Assistive Technology
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive Technology (AT) is any device or service that enables persons with disabilities to participate more fully and successfully in their life roles.
How do you request support?
AT supports generally stem from the students IEP, or teacher request. With the trend in the UDL philosophy many times a request can be met immediately with a simple software install, or borrowing available technology. If additional supports are needed an AT consultation is recommended. Depending upon the specific AT requirements, it can either be completed within the district, or by Oakland Schools.
What is the consideration process?
We are currently working on updating this process to reflect the SETT framework (student environments, tasks, tools). We are also working to establish standard documents for training (all individuals involved with the technology) and follow-up for review of AT supports.
AT Resources
Government Resources
AEM: National Center on Accessible Educational Materials
CAST: Center on Accessible Instructional Materials-Research and Development site