Rogers Proud Principal

Fall 2024

Dear Rogers Racoons,

It is with great excitement that I welcome you back to the school year as the new principal of Rogers Elementary. I have been in education for over 21 years and have experience as an upper elementary classroom teacher, reading specialist/coach, behavioral specialist and most recently a principal in another school district for seven years. I am excited to work collaboratively with the staff, families, and students to ensure your child’s success socially, emotionally, and academically.

I am a wife to my husband Tadd. We share an incredible love for our son, Grant, who will be 13 in November and in the 7th grade. My son has medical needs and a congenital defect that has shaped who I am as both a parent and professional. As a result of this, I live by my mission statement, “All it takes is a mustard seed of faith.” Furthermore, I work hard to live my life by the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People where I have supported schools in the United States on various occasions working to empower their students and staff. I look forward to the opportunity to learn about you and your families this school year. Your stories are a fundamental aspect of human communication and interaction, enriching our connections with others.  It is our unique perspectives and experiences that bring us together and make Rogers community so great!

As I begin my first year here in Berkley, I understand the importance of relationships and see the incredible amount of pride that makes up the Rogers community! It’s palatable and something I am so grateful to be a part of. We, as a school-wide community, will work to grow our students as learners and leaders. Please do not hesitate to reach out as I value the importance of connection and communication. I look forward to the many great opportunities and successes we will have….TOGETHER!

Here’s to a great school year!

With Raccoon Pride,

Mrs. Andrea Hasse, Ed.S., Principal 

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Andrea Hasse
