April 26, 2024

Three Berkley Schools Named Michigan Green Schools & BHS Celebrates Earth Week

Three Berkley Schools Named Michigan Green Schools & BHS Celebrates Earth Week

Congratulations to Berkley Schools Green Schools

Congratulations to Angell Elementary, Rogers Elementary and Berkley High School for being named a Michigan Green School. These three schools are among 343 public and private schools in Michigan that participated in the Green Schools program. To obtain Green School status, schools must complete a certain amount of environmentally friendly activities that fall within the following categories: Reduce/Reuse/Recycle, Energy, Environmental Protection, and Miscellaneous. Each Green School status is connected to how many activities a school completes. Green School status: 10-14 activities; Emerald School status: 15-19 activities; Evergreen School status: 20 or more activities

All three schools achieved Evergreen status for the 2023-24 school year.

Michigan Green Schools is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency dedicated to assisting all Michigan schools – public and private – achieve environmental goals which include protecting the air, land, water and animals of our state along with world outreach through good ecological practices and the teaching of educational stewardship of students pre-kindergarten through senior high school.

BHS Celebrates Earth Week

As an Evergreen School, the BHS Environmental Club and Environmental Science students spent time celebrating Earth Week by participating in the following activities. On Monday, students picked up litter around the school. On Tuesday, the Environmental Club students attend the Michigan Green School ceremony at the Detroit Zoo. On Wednesday - Friday, Environmental Science students hosted a free Thrift Store in the East Gym. Students were able to shop at the Thrift Store for free and take home new finds. All leftover items will be donated to a local charity.