Parent Information

5th Grade Camp - 2024

5th Grade camp dates are March 6 - March 8, 2024. 

The cost of camp this year is $100 per student. Payments should be made by 2/2/24. 

Make checks payable to Berkley School District or you may pay online. Instructions below. 

To pay online:
-Login to your MISTAR Parent Portal Account.
-Select your 5th grade students name.
-Select "Accounts" on the menu on the left hand side. This will automatically scroll down to the 5th grade camp charges.
-Select Online SBA Payments, this will take you to the check out process.
-Select your student and the camp fee, add this to your cart, you can then proceed to check out via PayPal. Note there is a small online convenience fee.

PDF DocumentBring Along Packing List


Parents are encouraged to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips, and be a volunteer driver. In order to volunteer, all parents volunteering in the classroom or during school sponsored functions or field trips must complete the Volunteer Release Form prior to any activities.  Parents driving or chaperoning a field trip must have the Volunteer Driver Form and Chaperone Responsibility Form completed in addition to the Volunteer Release Form.  All forms can be found on the District Volunteer/Chaperone page.

Rogers Student Dress Code

Rogers Elementary School has a dress code policy which all students are expected to follow. A primary purpose of the dress code expectations is to teach students how to dress appropriately for success in a school and work environment. Students whose clothing interferes with school will be required to change clothes.

  1. Students are expected to wear appropriately sized clothing that completely covers their undergarments.
  2. Tops and bottoms must overlap to completely cover the midsection of the body.
  3. Shorts, dresses and skirts should be of modest length which may vary by student.
  4. Any pictures, graphics or language on students’ clothing must be appropriate for the school environment (no advertising of or reference to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, profanity, violence, etc.)
  5. Students are expected to wear shoes that allow them to participate safely in school activities, including gym and outdoor recess. Gym shoes are required for gym and closed-toed shoes are required to play on the playground.
  6. Students must remove caps, hats, hoods and sunglasses while in the school building.

External LinkFree and Reduced Lunch Application

All meals are free for the 2021-22 school year.

Visit the Nutrislice website to see the daily menus.

Read by Grade Three Law - What you need to know

In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed the Read by Grade Three Law in an effort to ensure that students exit 3rd grade reading at or above grade level.  The law will impact the 2017/2018 transitional kindergarten (TK), kindergarten, and 1st grade students by the time they are in 3rd grade. In accordance with this law, we will continue to conduct reading assessments with TK – 3rd grade students. These assessments will identify students who need intensive reading instruction and intervention and will also provide useful information to help teachers tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.

Visit the District's Curriculum page to see a letter from Scott Francis, Director of Curriculum, Technology, Assessment and Grants, DIBELS, NWEA and PELI facts for parents, a Parent Guide to Public Act 306 and the District's Read at Home Plan for Student Success.

Use of Prescribed Medication at School

If your child has a medical condition that requires a prescription medication be kept at school (such as an asthma inhaler, epi-pen, etc.), we MUST have a medication authorization form on file in the office.  The form must be filled out by both the parent and your child's doctor and be signed by your doctor.  A new form is required each school year.  Please bring the medication to the office in the original container.  Forms are available online under "Forms and Information" on the Rogers website, or you can pick one up in the office.

If your child needs cough drops or other over-the-counter medication during the school day, we must still have a medication authorization form on file, but it does not require a doctor's signature.  Medication should be brought to the office.

Please do not send your child to school with any medications without the form on file; the medication will not be given to your child.

District Established Outside Recess Guidelines 

Students are expected to come to school every day prepared to go outside for recess.  If the regular air temperature and/or wind chill is above 9 degrees students will be going outside unless there are other factors to consider, i.e. slick surfaces on the playground equipment, etc.  Students, who are well enough to come to school, are expected to go outside for recess unless they have a doctor’s note indicating otherwise. Please remember that all students should come prepared to participate in outdoor activities which are an important part of the normal school day.  The children will be going out for classroom recess and up to 20 minutes at lunchtime. When your child comes to school, he/she needs to have a warm jacket and possibly a hat, gloves and boots CLEARLY LABELED with their name.  An extra pair of pants, shirt, socks and gloves, to be kept in your child’s locker, comes in handy during the winter months.  Let’s work together to keep everyone warm and dry.

Morning Drop-off

Students should be dropped off  (or arrive independently) at school no earlier than 7:50 AM and may only enter the building early if they are signed up for morning Kids' Zone or assigned to a safety squad post.  There is no adult supervision until teachers pick up their students at 8:00.  Parents are welcome to stand outside in line with their child if they wish, but must say good-bye at the door and refrain from entering the building when the teachers pick up their classes. On rainy days, we will let the students in early (at 7:50) to line up near their classrooms; but as we cannot accommodate parents, younger siblings or strollers, for safety reasons, parents and other adults need to say goodbye at the door.  If you are volunteering in a classroom or have other business in the building, please come to the office, sign in and get a visitor's badge.

Late For School

At Rogers we expect every student to be on time every day.  This is both a student and parent responsibility.  When your child learns it is okay to be late, he/she is learning a life long habit that will no doubt affect his/her future in the workplace, as well as activities he/she is involved in later in life. The first bell rings at 8:00 a.m.  Classes begin at 8:05 a.m.  Late arrivals to the classroom disrupt the educational environment and students feel a sense of being disconnected when they are not part of the opening classroom activities.  Students arriving after 8:05am must enter through the Oxford door and report to the office to obtain a tardy pass prior to entering their classroom

Traffic Safety Reminder

Please be aware of the traffic signs posted around the school. Also be reminded that there is NO PARKING in the yellow painted areas leading up to the intersections.  The children need to be able to see up and down the street as they are crossing.

Pets at School

Rogers is a “pet friendly” place, but we need to be mindful that some students have allergies or a fear of animals.  Please do not plan on bringing your dog or cat into the school unless you have made arrangements with the classroom teacher.  As the weather gets warmer, it is fun to bring your dog to school to meet his human sibling!   PLEASE make sure your dog is leashed and comfortable with the chaos that comes of 400+ kids being let out of school on a warm day AND the presence of other animals. Also, please make sure to keep your dog on the sidewalk and off of the grassy areas and playground. Children often assume that all animals are friendly and run to them.  The results could be disastrous.

Safety is important for all Children!

To learn more about the Berkley School's Assurance Coverage, visit the District Parents webpage.

Entrance Procedure

Children are met each morning by their teacher and brought into the school. 

  • The class should begin lining up at 7:50 a.m. and their classroom teacher will pick them up at the door at 8:00 a.m. There is no adult supervision outside until 8 a.m.
  • The tardy bell will ring at 8:05 a.m. 
  • Children are to line up with their classes at the assigned door for their teacher. 
  • Parents should not come in with their child.  Please say goodbye at the door.
  • Students arriving late must enter through the Oxford (north) doors to sign in at the Office.

Parking Lot door

Room #1 Mrs. Capuano 
Room #2 Ms.  Hermann
Room #3 Mrs. McNamara
Room #6 Mrs. Hunter

Oxford door

Room #5   Mrs. Mustonen
Room #8   Mrs. Rogers
Room #10 Ms. Berry 
Room #11 Mrs. Tosto 

Hamilton Door

Room #15  Mrs. Rubis
Room #17  Ms. Bronoel 
Room #18  Mrs. Halas
Room #20  Mrs. Watkins-Visnaw

Playground Door on Blacktop by Basketball Nets

Room #19  Mrs. Kwas 
Room #21  Mrs. Spielmann
Room #22  Mrs. Simpson 
Room #23  Mrs. Rittenbery 
Room #24  Mrs. Maten    

Google DocPrintable Door Assignment Sheet

Find medication forms and learn more about staying healthy on the Student Health & Medication section on the District's Parent page.

Dear Rogers Families,

At Rogers Elementary we are teaching students to be safe, respectful and responsible. The children are learning that their choices and actions help to make Rogers a safe, kind and productive learning environment. A goal in this is for students to be held accountable for their actions to help them become independent and thoughtful decision makers. The process of becoming responsible individuals includes learning from mistakes and developing the ability to handle upset and consequences with composure and resilience.

Being a responsible student includes being prepared for school each day. Arriving to school with all necessary materials is imperative to the success of our daily classroom learning, and we must work together to support children in doing so independently. To facilitate this, Rogers Elementary has instituted a “Responsibility Rule”.

The Responsibility Rule states that students will not be permitted to call home to request that an adult deliver forgotten homework, lunches or other belongings to school. Once a student is at school, he or she will be expected to complete the day with only the materials that they brought for the day. There will be no phone calls for forgotten gym shoes, library books, homework, snacks, or lunches (except in the event of a serious food allergy). We have found that these phone calls and deliveries are disruptive to our learning environment, and restricting calls will allow us to make the most of our instructional time. Of course, we would never let a child go hungry, so children who neglected to bring a lunch may charge a school lunch. If an adult drops off a lunch for a child without the child calling home, the lunch will be labeled with the child’s name and kept in the office for the student to pick up during the lunch period.

We want every child to be successful, confident and independent and know that all of our students will do their part to make Rogers a safe, kind, and productive school. Thank you for your support and understanding and for your collaboration in helping us to foster student responsibility.


Berkley Public Safety updated the traffic patterns and guidelines around our schools. These changes are part of a larger traffic safety plan and allow public safety quick access to our buildings at all times. Please take the time to review the changes to our new traffic pattern including new designated pick up and drop-off zones, and review the full Rogers Traffic Pattern document with a map.

  • Curbside drop-off & pickup will take place opposite school grounds on the resident/house side of the street
  • Drop-off, pickup, parking, stopping, and standing around the perimeter of Rogers is not permitted to allow public safety quick access to buildings in case of emergency
  • Students will cross at the designated crosswalks at the corner of Oxford & Hamilton and Hamilton & Harvard
  • Students should exit cars on the resident/house side of Hamilton and Oxford, walk to the corner, and cross with a crossing guard. Students should exit onto the curb, not into the street.
  • Caregivers are encouraged to park and walk with their child to school
  • Parking is allowed opposite school grounds any time of day
  • Rogers staff parking lot has a designated drop-off/pick up zone only
  • Berkley Public Safety will be enforcing the traffic rules

PDF DocumentNEW Rogers Traffic Pattern

Visitor Policy

The Berkley School District has developed a visitor policy that is in place at all Berkley schools.  The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe and secure environment for our students and staff.  All parents and visitors entering Rogers between 8:00 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. are to sign in at the office and be issued a name tag.  Guest teachers, lunch aides and administrators wear identification tags when in the building. This will help us to identify all adults present in your child's education, but it is essential that we all work together to provide a safe environment for our children.  All doors are locked throughout the school day.  All visitors must use the Oxford Street door. There is a security camera and doorbell located at this entrance.  By following this procedure, the school will be able to monitor who enters the building.  These policies will allow the Rogers' staff to continue to provide a safe place for your child to learn.

Be sure to visit the Rogers PTA webpage!