Points of Pride
We are very proud of:
- Students love our school!
- Teachers that support students socially, emotionally, and academically; we care about the whole child
- We believe in the power of all students bringing their own unique “genius”; as we are a Leader in Me school.
- We discuss leadership daily in classrooms and are working to infuse this throughout our day. We frequently pair up with buddy classrooms to grow kindness and empathy across grade levels.
- Support staff willing to fill gaps where needed and be an additional layer of support as we look at how to support students in the classroom through the use of small group instruction.
- Opportunities for multiple special area classes including Spanish, Physical Education, Art, Media Center, and Music. Fifth grade option for band or orchestra.
- Many building wide amazing activities including March is Reading Month!
- Lead with students in mind; creating safe spaces.
- Building community through our many amazing events: music concerts, September Fair, Family Dance, Ice Cream Social, Skate Night, 5th grade overnight camp, book fairs…and more!
- Staff-led book study raising awareness and classroom experiences for those that are neurodivergent.
- Robust Multi-Tiered Systems of Support team who helps lead the school as a guiding coalition; reviewing student needs and building/grade level data sources.
- Generous PTO supporting school-wide initiatives and events including our positive recognition opportunities for students.
- Achievement of Michigan Evergreen School status through dedication to recycling and protection of the environment (paper, cardboard & plastics recycling, drink pouches, plastic bags, etc.)
- Philanthropic efforts including Caring & Sharing, St. Jude’s Research Hospital Math-A-Thon, Relay for Life, Outreach to Oxford Towers Senior Center, Holiday Cards for the Troops, Berkley Educational Foundation, 5th grade Class Gift
- Access to technology – SMART projectors in all classrooms, multiple carts of Chromebooks, laptops and iPads.
- Literacy-Rich Environment - Media Center & full-time Media Specialist, Battle of the Books, Leveled Book Room, Classroom Libraries, and Book Swap (PTA).
- Special ceremonies for the International Day of Peace and Memorial Day.