Parent Information

Ordering School Supplies

You can pre-order school supplies.  All supplies will be delivered to students classrooms at Burton. 
Online ordering will be open until July 1st 2024.

If you miss the window to order supplies or would like to buy them on your own view the lists here

2025 Kindergarten Information Night 

TK/K round up takes place on May 21, 2025. Details to come. 

Student Line Up

  • Plaza Doors:  Breakfast Line up (Line up starts at 7:40am)
  • Plaza Doors (By the clock):  Emery, Mann, Martin & Posey
  • 5th Grade Doors:  5th Grade & Williams
  • Playground Doors:  1st & 2nd Grade
  • Nadine Doors: 3rd & 4thGrade

Burton's breakfast program - starts at 7:40 am and is Free. 

Students will enter through the plaza doors (by the clock).

Students should arrive between 7:40 am - 7:50 am. Students arriving after 7:50 am will not be able to take part and will need to join their classmates at their line up door.  

Please note there are charges for second portions and Milk. 

Lunch at Burton 

Lunch is Free. Options for lunch are posted on the homepage of our website under the Quick links. 

Please note there are additional changes for second portions and milk a la carte.

External LinkOnline Lunch Accounts

Lunch Times 

GradeLunchLunch Recess
TK & Kindergarten11:10 - 11:3011:30 -11:55
5th11:20 - 11:4011:40 - 12:05
2nd11:30 - 11:5011:50 - 12:15
4th11:40 - 12:00 12:00 - 12:25
1st11:50 - 12:1012:10-12:35
3rd12:00 - 12:2012:20 -12:45

For detailed lunch information, please visit the Berkley Schools Food Services website at the link below.  You will find complete information regarding food service payments and the Free & Reduced Lunch Program.

External LinkBerkley Schools Food Services Website

Read by Grade Three Law - What you need to know

In 2016, the Michigan Legislature passed the Read by Grade Three Law in an effort to ensure that students exit 3rd grade reading at or above grade level.  The law will impact the 2017/2018 transitional kindergarten (TK), kindergarten, and 1st grade students by the time they are in 3rd grade. In accordance with this law, we will continue to conduct reading assessments with TK – 3rd grade students. These assessments will identify students who need intensive reading instruction and intervention and will also provide useful information to help teachers tailor instruction to meet individual student needs.

Visit the District's Curriculum page to see a letter from the Director of Teaching and Learning, DIBELS, NWEA, and PELI facts for parents, a Parent Guide to Public Act 306 and the District's Read at Home Plan for Student Success.

Visit the Student Health & Medication section on the District's Parent page to learn more about immunization requirements, common illnesses, important medication forms and using medication at school, allergy response plans and tips on staying healthy.


I need to stay home if...

I have a FeverI am VomitingI have DiarrheaI have a RashI have LiceI have an Eye InfectionI  have been to the Hospital
Temperature of 100.4 F or higherWithin the last 24 hoursWithin the last 24 hoursUndiagnosed itchy rashEvidence of live lice or nitsRedness, itching and/or crusty drainageHospital stay or ER visit

I am ready to come back to school when...

FeverVomiting DiarrheaRashLiceEye InfectionHospital Visit
Fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication.Vomiting free for 24 hours.Free from diarrhea for at least 24 hours.Free from rash or have been evaluated by a doctor and have been cleared to return to school. Please provide doctor's note.Treated with appropriate lice treatment.Evaluated by a doctor and cleared to return to school. Please provide doctor's note.Released by medical provider to return to school. Please provide doctor's note.

Access your child's student information, grade book, attendance, and immunization records in Parent Portal. 

Burton is Nut Sensitive

Burton School is “nut sensitive” school. For the health and well-being of our children we are asking that NO NUT products be sent to school as snacks or in lunches. It is going to take some fortitude to look at labels and make sure anything nut related is left at home. You will notice the signs outside the classroom doors will be gone and the whole school will remain as nut free as we can make it.

What if……
My child will only eat peanut butter and jelly…
A: You can introduce sun butter or wow butter instead. You can try new lunch box items and allow the child to help make those decisions

I forgot and packed a nut related item…
A: Your child will be offered a separate table adjacent to the other lunch tables to consume that item. We can then make sure it is thoroughly washed so no cross contamination will occur. If you child does not want to change seats they can always bring that item home and go through the lunch line to get a “Cool Kids” lunch option

My child wants to bring in a birthday treat……..
A: Please check with your child’s teacher on their classroom options. Some rooms are asking for no food treats and alternatives are available. Homemade items are discouraged because individual kitchens are not always nut free. Baked goods can be purchased from certain local bakeries that have nut free environments.

Please do not bring Slurpees instead because of our new carpet in the building.

You can relate this as part of our school policy of keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

PDF DocumentNut Free Snacks

Thank you to all Burton Room Parents! We could not have a successful year without your dedication and participation.  Room parents are the best and make our school run smoothly.  We wish you a wonderful year. 

All Room Parents follow the following rules as they support the classroom and help organize events.

  1. I will fill out the volunteer form for a background check.
  2. I will be responsible for meeting and assisting the classroom teacher with classroom events and parties, understanding that the classroom teacher’s decision is final.
  3. I will be responsible for contacting classroom parents when requested by the teacher for volunteering on field trips and event days.
  4. I will be responsible to help or find helpers for PTA events such as lice checks, Field Day etc.
  5. I will be asked to attend PTA meetings monthly to be knowledgeable of current school information.  (if there is more than one room parent the meetings can be shared)
  6. I will be asked to support the membership of the PTA and make follow‐up contacts to families that did not enroll.
  7. I will be asked to collect and have careful management of the party money.
  8. I will need to keep private information on students and families confidential.(ie. Financial, student and family circumstances)
  9. I will be respectful to teachers, staff and other parents and open to compromise between room parents
  10. I will be asked to help out with the Caring and Sharing project in November/December
  11. I will be asked to pass out the ordered supplies to the classroom when it arrives the first week of school or find a substitute to fulfill this obligation for me.    
  12. I will maintain personal integrity, protecting my name and reputation as well as that of the Burton PTA.

I understand that if I am unable to abide by this code of conduct I may be asked to resign from my room parent role.  If I temporarily have a conflict and cannot fulfill my duties I will notify the room parent chairman and work out a plan ensuring the work gets accomplished. 

Don't forget to visit our PTA webpage.