Scheduling + Courses for 25-26 School Year!

What classes can I take at BHS?

Scheduling Presentations

Google SlideFuture 12th Grader Presentation
Google SlideExploring Options for 11th Grade & Beyond
Google SlideFuture 11th Grader Presentation
Google SlideFuture 10th Grader Presentation

Course Offerings Lists

Google SheetBHS Course Offerings for 10-12th grade
Google SheetBHS Course Offerings for 9th grade

Course Catalogs with Course Descriptions 

Google DocBHS Curriculum Guide
Google Doc9th Grade Curriculum Guide
Google DocAP Course Catalog

Course Videos

Check out our brief videos from teachers on every AP, Honors, and elective class
Scroll down to bottom of this page to view our videos!

What requirements do I need to take?

PDF DocumentBHS + State of MI Graduation Requirements

  • There can be exceptions to some of the requirements including: 

    • PE/Health
    • 2nd year of World Language
    • Art
    • World History
    • Scroll down to learn more in the Personal Curriculum section.
  • The Start Here! lesson in Xello must be completed every school year.

    • This online lesson fulfills the state-required Education Development Plan by helping students think about their future after BHS.  
    • *Students must access Xello via the College + Career course in Schoology.  
      • Do not Google search Xello and try to log-in.  

PDF DocumentScience Graduation Requirements for classes of 2026, 2027, 2028

PDF DocumentScience Graduation Requirements for class of 2029 & Beyond

BHS Science Graduation Requirements Class of 2029 and beyond

Advanced Placement (AP) courses at BHS

External LinkWhat is an AP course?
Google DocBHS AP Course Catalog

AP Exam Overview

External LinkAP Exams structure, practice, schedule, FAQs

BHS AP Exam Registration Information

2024-2025 AP Exam Registration Slide Deck

AP Exam Registration Deadline

  • *Regular* Exam Registration window: October 1 - 31st
  • *Late* Exam Registration window: November 1st - February 14th

Guides to help you decide which classes to take

Visual Arts Course Sequence at BHS

Flier detailing Art Options at BHS

Math Course Sequence at BHS

Math Course Sequence

Do any of the courses you requested require an application?

Be mindful of application deadlines!


Google DocDirected Study Agreement

Marketing at BHS

Google DocSports & Entertainment Marketing & Advanced Marketing Application

Advanced Art at BHS

Google FormsPortfolio Application
Google Forms
AP Studio Art Application(taught at BHS)

Journalism & Yearbook

Google FormsSpectator / Writing for Publication Application
Google Forms
Yearbook Staff Application


 Google FormsStudent Leadership Application


External LinkOSTC Enrollment Application
Click for more details


Google FormsCASA Enrollment Form (must be submitted in order to attend next school year)
CASA Course Catalog
CASA Scheduling Worksheet/Schedule of Courses
Click for more details

Dual Enrollment

BHS Dual Enrollment Application 
Must ALSO complete application for admissions at college where dual enrolling!
Click for more details!

Thinking of attending OSTC in 2025-2026?

OSTC Information

OSTC helps students find develop their talents, delve into their passions and get prepared for college, trade school or career.  OSTC teachers are industry experts, having worked in their fields for many years before transitioning to the classroom. 

BHS students who attend OSTC will spend half the day at the OSTC-SE (Royal Oak) campus and the other half at BHS.  Students can still participate in BHS sports, theater, band, clubs, and other school activities. 

  • AM OSTC:

    • Students who attend OSTC for the AM session depart BHS at 7:25 AM and return to BHS around 10:45 AM. 
    • They attend BHS classes for hours 4-6.
  • PM OSTC:

    • Students who attend OSTC for the PM session attend BHS for hours 1-3. 
    • Students depart BHS after 3rd hour and return to BHS at 2:50 PM. 

Please visit the OSTC-SE website for more information.

Attend OSTC during the 2025-2026 School Year

OSTC/BHS Bus Schedule


  • Students who attend OSTC for the AM session depart BHS at 7:25 AM and return to BHS around 10:45 AM
  • They attend BHS classes for hours 4-6.


  • Students who attend OSTC for the PM session attend BHS for hours 1-3. 
  • Students depart BHS after 3rd hour and return to BHS at 2:50 PM.  

Click here to view the 2024-2025 BHS OSTC Transportation Calendar.

OSTC-NE (Pontiac campus) Cosmetology for 2025-2026

Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast (OSTC-NE) has an excellent Cosmetology program for Oakland County high school juniors and seniors. High school students can earn hours toward the state-mandated 1500 hours of instruction, graduate from high school, and pursue post-secondary education opportunities toward their Cosmetology License from the State of Michigan.

Transportation to OSTC-NE

Transportation is provided for first year Cosmetology (AM session) students only. Bus arrives at 7:05 AM in the parking lot across Catalpa from the Main Entrance.

NOTE: Students in their second year of Cosmetology (PM session) must secure their own transportation to OSTC-NE.  The PM session runs from 11:20 AM to 4:20 PM (5 hours per day)

Important Materials + Links

Thinking of attending CASA?

CASA Information

CASA is a consortium school serving Berkley, Clawson, Ferndale, Lamphere, Madison, Oak Park and Pontiac school districts.  CASA offers sixteen Advanced Placement (AP) courses, a visual arts curriculum and an advanced dance program.  

CASA is located in Oak Park and BHS provides busing for students who attend CASA for hours 5-6 (equivalent to CASA B & C hours).  Students need their own transportation if they attend A Hour.

Please visit the CASA website for more information.

How to attend CASA during the 2025-2026 School Year

Google FormsCASA Enrollment Form (must be submitted to attend next year)
PDF DocumentCASA Course Catalog
PDF DocumentCASA Enrollment Worksheet / Schedule of Courses

CASA/BHS Bus Schedule


CASA is located at: Nova Academy, 22180 Parklawn St., Oak Park, MI 48237. 
The phone number for CASA is: 248-586-8860.

CASA Bus Schedule

The CASA bus leaves BHS at 1:10 PM and picks up students on Sunnyknoll (outside of the senior doors). 

CASA Bell Schedule

  • A Hour - 12:30-1:25 PM
  • B Hour - 1:30-2:25 PM
  • C Hour - 2:30-3:25 PM

Dual Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to Dual Enroll?

  • Students who are enrolled in at least one course at Berkley High School. 

  • Post secondary institutions may have their own entrance requirements.

What kinds of classes can I take? 

  • Any course that is academically or career oriented and is 2 or more credit hours.

  • Any course that is not already available at Berkley High School.

Where can I take dual enrollment courses? 

  • Any Michigan college or university that will accept you based on your guest student application. Most commonly attended schools for Berkley High School students are: OCC, Lawrence Tech & Wayne State.

What would my schedule look like at BHS if I Dual Enroll?

  • Students must follow the college calendar (spring break, winter break, etc. do not always align with Berkley’s calendar). You are expected to attend college classes whenever they are in session. 

  • Students must select a college course that meets outside of school hours.

  • You are responsible for your own transportation.

  • You will need to be enrolled in a minimum of one class per semester and a maximum of five total BHS classes.

  • Each dual enrollment course represents one class or 0.5 credit hours at BHS.

Will I earn both College and High School Credit?

  • You will earn 0.5 high school credits per dual enrollment class per semester at Berkley.  Your grade will transfer and factor into your high school GPA (dual enrollment classes are not grade weighted). You will earn college credit with whatever institution you study with. However, it will be up to your final college choice (that you enroll in after you graduate) as to whether or not they will accept the credit as transfer college credit. 

When do I sign up?

  • If you are interested in Fall dual enrollment, please see your counselor during the month of May during the preceding school year (this is when colleges usually  list their fall schedules). 

  • If you are interested in Spring dual enrollment, please see your counselor during the month of October in the current school year. 

  • Keep an eye on college admissions & registration deadlines also.

Dual Enrollment Costs

What is the cost associated with Dual Enrollment?

  • Berkley School District will pay up to $800.66 per course for tuition and fees. This amount is based on the State’s per pupil funding for the 2024-25 school year and is subject to change annually. 

  • If the tuition/fees for your class is more costly than this amount, the student is responsible for paying the difference.

  • The student is responsible to pay for books, lab fees or any other needed materials when those costs surpass the District sponsored amount.

  • The student is responsible for their own transportation.


Oakland Community College

Davenport University

University of Detroit Mercy

Northwood University

Lawrence Tech University

College of Creative Studies

Eastern Michigan University

Oakland University

Wayne State University

Credit Hours










Estimated out of pocket cost to family:







~$300 (Hebrew)


 (all other classes)



*The cost of books, lab fees and any other needed materials are not included in estimation.

Dual Enrollment Application Process

BHS Application:

PDF DocumentBHS Dual Enrollment Payment Voucher.

Must complete & submit form to Counseling Center or email Mrs. Wyatt

To be completed by the student:

❏ Student completes the Berkley High School dual enrollment payment voucher.

❏ Student prints a description of the course they would like to take from the school where you want to take it.

❏ Student completes the college’s application (dual enrollment or guest student application depending on the school).

❏ Student takes BHS application/voucher, course description, and college application to their counselor.

To be completed by BHS:

❏ Counselor completes their section of the applications and signs forms.

❏ Administrator who oversees dual enrollment approves or denies course and signs form.

❏ Counseling office secretary makes a copy of dual enrollment paperwork.

❏ Completed paperwork is returned to student.

To be completed by the student:

❏ Student is responsible for taking the completed paperwork to the college for enrollment.

❏ Student enrolls at college as a dual enrollment student and is responsible for all additional paperwork,registration and withdrawal tasks.

❏ It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a class if they no longer wish to dual enroll. This withdrawal must be done prior to each post-secondary institution’s drop date. Failure to do so may result in fees for which the student is responsible.

❏ When course is completed, student must bring a copy of the college transcript or grade report and bring it to the secretary in the Counseling Office upon completion of the class.

Specific College/University Dual Enrollment Information/Application

External LinkOakland Community College Dual Enrollment Information
External LinkWayne State University Dual Enrollment Information
External LinkOakland University Dual Enrollment Information
External LinkCollege for Creative Studies Dual Enrollment Information
External LinkLawrence Tech Dual Enrollment Information
External LinkUniversity of Detroit-Mercy Dual Enrollment Information
External LinkNorthwood University Dual Enrollment Information

Dual Enrollment Timeline

WATCH FOR college admissions & registration deadlines!

  • If you are interested in Fall Dual Enrollment:

    • Please see your counselor during the month of May during the preceding school year (this is when colleges usually list their fall schedules).
    • Do not wait until August, as deadlines may have passed and classes may be full.
  • / If you are interested in Winter/Spring Dual Enrollment:

    • Please see your counselor during the month of October in the current school year. 
    • Do not wait until December, as deadlines may have passed and classes may be full.

Early College programs (for current 10th graders only)

Oakland ACE Early College

Video DocumentCheck out this brief Oakland ACE presentation!

Oakland ACE is an early college program for students enrolled at participating Oakland County high schools. 

To be eligible to apply for the ACE Program, students must:

  • Be a current 10th grade student in a participating high school
  • Have a high school GPA of 2.0, or higher, with all 9th and 10th grade Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements completed
  • Earn qualifying scores on Reading and Writing placement tests administered during the application process.

OSTC Early College

Video DocumentCheck out this brief OSTC Early College presentation!

Oakland Technical Early College is a rigorous three-year program offering high school students an early start in post-secondary training to better prepare them for high-skill, high-demand and high-wage careers. 

During the 11th and 12th grades, students take high school requirements, an OSTC program and college courses that align with a technical degree. Students attend Oakland Community College full-time during an added 13th year, completing their high school diploma and potentially earning an associate degree.

The cost for college tuition and books are covered for participants in this program. Students and their families are responsible for transportation to Oakland Community College.

Are you planning to participate in NCAA or NAIA athletics in college?   

Make sure you are taking NCAA or NAIA approved courses and fulfilling the course requirements for NCAA or NAIA eligibility.  

Click here for more information!

Personal Curriculum- A Tool for Modifying the Michigan Merit Curriculum


Modifications to Go Beyond Academic Requirements

Students may request a PC to go beyond academic requirements in mathematics, science, English language arts, and/or world languages; or to complete a department-approved formal career and technical education program. If a PC is requested and granted and the student does not achieve proficiency in the substituted credits, the PC is null and void and the student will have to take the required credits to graduate.

Allowable Modifications

The PC must align with the EDP and postsecondary goals, as well as the IEP if applicable.

Social Studies (Michigan Merit Requirement: 3 credits)
  • Substituting credit requirement for one social studies credit for students who have successfully completed two required social studies credits (which must include one-half [0.5] credit in Civics), to earn additional credits in English language arts, mathematics, science, or world languages; or complete a department-approved formal career and technical education program.
Health and Physical Education (Michigan Merit Requirement: 1 credit)
  • Substituting credit requirement for one health and physical education credit to acquire additional credits in English language arts, mathematics, science, or world languages; or to complete a department-approved formal career and technical education program.
  • Consideration: A previous law remains in effect requiring students who are physically fit and capable to take a physical education course.
Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts (Michigan Merit Requirement: 1 credit)
  • Substituting credit requirement for one visual, performing, and applied arts credit to acquire additional credits in English language arts, mathematics, science, or world languages; or to complete a department-approved formal career and technical education program. 

For more information on Personal Curriculum, please check out the PDF DocumentPersonal Curriculum: Parent and Educator Guide.

Course Videos: Mathematics AP & Elective Courses

Computer Science Discovery

AP Statistics

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC

AP Computer Science Principles

AP Computer Science

Course Videos: Science AP & Elective Courses

Environmental Science

Honors Zoology

AP Physics 1

AP Environmental Science

Physics of Earth Systems

Forensic Science

Organic Chemistry

AP Chemistry

Honors Anatomy & Physiology

Physics of the Universe


AP Biology

Course Videos: English AP & Elective Courses

Advanced Podcasting

AP Language & Composition

African American Literature

English 12

Writing for Publication
 (The Spectator)

Film Studies

Project Advance
(a Syracuse University course)

AP Literature & Composition

Intro to Podcasting


Course Videos: Social Studies AP & Elective Courses


AP Psychology

AP Macroeconomics

AP US Government

AP European History

AP World History

Practical Law


Positive Psychology

AP African American Studies

Course Videos: Fine & Performing Arts Electives

Encore! & Concert Choir

A Cappella Choir & Belle Tones

Band Programs

AP Music Theory

Symphony Orchestra

Concert Orchestra

Sinfonia Orchestra

AP Studio Art

Advanced Ceramics

Next Gen Music

Course Videos: Family Consumer Science Electives

Food Class Offerings


Course Videos: Physical Education Electives

Physical Education


Course Videos: World Language Electives

World Language

AP Spanish Language & Culture

Course Videos: Additional Elective Choices

Diversity Council



Advanced Marketing

News & Broadcasting

Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Experiential Education

Student Leadership

Sources of Strength

College & Career Prep

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