Welcome to the BHS Counseling Department!
Meeting with your Counselor
BHS counselors are meeting with students by appointment only(unless it is an emergency).
Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Sloan (last names A-D)
Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Weiss (last names E-K)
Schedule an appointment with Ms. Drinkard (last names L-R)
Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Tye (last names S-Z, Class of '28 R-Z)
Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Belsky (College + Career Counselor)
Berkley High School Transcript
Berkley High School has partnered with Parchmentto order and send students and alumni transcripts securely. Parchment
requests are filled within 2-3 business days.
Graduates from the Class of 2005 and earlier:
Please contact Berkley High School Registrar, Lesli Wyatt directly at lesli.wyatt@berkleyschools.org or (248) 837-8141.
Berkley Digital Food Bank
Since 2018, the Berkley Digital Food Bank has been accepting donations from members of the community and beyond.
With those generous donations, we purchase gift cards redeemable for food and groceries. Berkley High School Counselors then discreetly distribute these gift cards to identified students and families needing support.
Without community support, however, the Berkley Digital Food Bank could not be possible. Your generous donations provide us with the continual funds that help our District families in their time of need.
Please click here to donate to the Berkley Digital Food Bank. Thank you for your support!
Community Service + Volunteer Opportunities
Community Service is not required to graduate from Berkley High School
Classes of 2027, 2026, 2025, 2024
Seniors who submit 75 community service hours or more by March of their senior year will receive a Community Service cord to wear at graduation.
Class of 2028 & beyond
Seniors who submit 100 community service hours or more by March of their senior year will receive a Community Service cord to wear at graduation.
Documentation of hours
Students may keep track of their hours, in whatever manner they choose. BHS Counseling Department has created this log, should students wish to use it.
Documentation must include: the service activity, activity date, amount of hours, and signature of volunteer supervisor verifying the hours were performed.
Note: BHS Counselors will collect Community Service logs in early March of their senior year. Students are responsible for maintaining the logs until that time.
BHS Student Ambassador Program
Become a BHS Student Ambassador!
BHS Counseling Department News
View ArchivesAny college, university, or trade school interested in scheduling a visit at Berkley HS, please contact Christina Belsky via email.
31 Mar
JUNIORS: Metro Detroit College Fair Permission Slip dueDate: Mar 31Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
3 Apr
JUNIORS: Metro Detroit College FairDate: Apr 3Location: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48374, USACalendar: BHS Counseling Department CalendarPermission slip due March 31st to Counseling Center
8 Apr
1/2 day 1st hr 1:25-2:25PM | 2nd hr 2:30-3:30PMDate: Apr 8Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
M-Step (11th grade)Date: Apr 8Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
9 Apr
1/2 day 3rd hr 1:25-2:25PM | 4th hr 2:30-3:30PMDate: Apr 9Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
SAT (11th grade)Date: Apr 9Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
10 Apr
1/2 day 5th hr 1:25-2:25PM | 6th hr 2:30-3:30PMDate: Apr 10Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
WorkKeys (11th gr) | PSAT 9/10 (9+10th gr)Date: Apr 10Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
11 Apr
Accommodated WorkKeys (11th)Date: Apr 11Location: East GymCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
22 Apr
EMU Admitted Seniors Workshop 10:30 AM to 11:30 AMEMU Admitted Seniors WorkshopDate: Apr 22Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AMCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
23 Apr
JUNIORS: Paying for College Night (Virtual) 8:00 PM to 9:30 PMJUNIORS: Paying for College Night (Virtual)Date: Apr 23Time: 8:00 PM to 9:30 PMLocation: VirtualCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
We are hosting a Paying for College presentation to help students and families learn about the financial aid process. As a public service, a representative from Oakland University will deliver the presentation, but the information shared is able to be used at any school a student attends.
Please register using this link: https://apply.oakland.
edu/register/?id=7e0c7c40- 2c55-47b1-ae24-6f0b5b694c91 If you are unable to join the presentation on the date scheduled, you can always access any of the virtual presentations or watch the recorded version on the Financial Aid Events website for students and families (oakland.edu/financialevents).
24 Apr
Careers in Fire and EMS 2:30 PM to 3:30 PMCareers in Fire and EMSDate: Apr 24Time: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PMLocation: College + Career CenterCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
BHS Counseling Department Staff
Connect with us on Social Media!
Facebook: Berkley High School Counseling Department
Instagram: berkleycounselingdepartment