Looking for some help with grades or classes?
This is a starting point of things to try. There are a lot of resources out there and it is easy to get overwhelmed by everything that is available. Effective study and organizational strategies depend the individual student.
Need a Tutor?
Varsity Tutors
Free for All BHS Students
Berkley Schools has partnered with Varsity Tutors for Schools, an online platform with access to free learning tools.
The platform includes the following:
24/7 on-demand chat tutoring and on-demand essay review
Live group classes, recorded classes and celebrity-led StarCourses
Assessments and self study practice problems
College prep & admissions resources
How to Access Varsity Tutors
Sign into the Varsity Tutors platform through the student Clever portal. To learn how to log into Clever with your child’s Berkley Schools Google account, follow these directions.
Berkley NHS Tutors
BHS National Honor Society (NHS) provides free tutoring to BHS students. Ask your teacher for some names of NHS tutors. The teacher will also give you the tutors contact information and you can text, email them to set up a time for tutoring!
Adult Tutors
Bloomfield Hills High School has created a comprehensive list of adult tutors available in a variety of subjects.
Tutoring Services
The Tutoring Center in Birmingham
MALLY ACT in West Bloomfield
Khan Academy
Students practice at their own pace, first filling in gaps in their understanding and then accelerating their learning. Created by experts, Khan Academy’s library of trusted, standards-aligned practice and lessons covers math K-12 through early college, grammar, science, history, AP®, SAT®, and more. It’s all free for learners.
Get Organized!
Start with your Email + Chrome Browser
Organize your Gmail (and check it often!)
Bookmark websites you use often
Too many tabs open?
Toby Chrome Extension
OneTab Chrome Extension
Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. Add it here!
Got Missing Assignments?
How do you keep track of your Assignments?
Google Calendar
Write in my Planner
App on my Phone
Class Manager
- Enter and organize classes
- Organize homework
- Get homework help
- List due dates
- Manage all of your homework, projects, quizzes, and tests from all of your classes in one place
- Never forget an assignment with daily reminders about what's due the next day
- Add notes to remember group members or assignment details
- Easily sort by class, due date, and completion.
The Homework App
- Add sub-tasks, a convenient way to organize projects and tasks that have multiple steps
- Color code your subjects!
- Dashboard to see what's up
- Pictures say 1000 words, take a photo and attach it to your task
- Add your instructor's details so you can stay in the loop
- In-app calendar, see your tasks on a daily, monthly or yearly basis
- Make sure you don't forget your homework with reminders
- Get help with your homework
MyHomework Student Planner
- Track assignments, projects, tests and more...
- Track classes
- Receive due date reminders
- Sync between devices
- Upcoming homework widgets
My Study Life
- Scheduling/timetabling
- Reminders
- Tasks
- Sync data across devices
How to Study + Complete Homework
Make a Schedule
Weekly After School Schedule template
Try the "Get Ready, Do, Done" system!
Don't want to use a giant board? Try this worksheet!
Get Distracted?
Use an Analog Clock for Time Management
- Make sure you understand how to read an analog clock (or watch this video!)
- You will need an analog clock with a glass face and a dry erase marker.
- When you sit down to do your work, shade in the time on the clock that you will need to complete your assignment. As the minute hand moves, you will have a clear visual of how much time has passed and how much time you have left.
Add the "Thinking Time Tracker" Chrome Extension
This is a digital version of the analog clock strategy. Add it here!
Try the "Forest: stay focused, be present" Chrome Extension
This blocks certain websites from being used during work time Add it here!
Plan for the End of Semester Projects
Final Projects Snapshot template
Final Project Plan template
Grade Calculator + Grading Scale
Grade Calculators
GPA Calculator
Final Grade Calculator
BHS Grading Scale
A = 94-100% A- = 90-93% B+ = 87-89%
B = 83-86% B- = 80-82% C+ = 77-79%
C = 73-76% C- = 70-72% D+ = 67-69%
D =63-66% D- = 60-62% E = 59-0%
31 Mar
JUNIORS: Metro Detroit College Fair Permission Slip dueDate: Mar 31Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
3 Apr
JUNIORS: Metro Detroit College FairDate: Apr 3Location: Suburban Collection Showplace, 46100 Grand River Ave, Novi, MI 48374, USACalendar: BHS Counseling Department CalendarPermission slip due March 31st to Counseling Center
8 Apr
1/2 day 1st hr 1:25-2:25PM | 2nd hr 2:30-3:30PMDate: Apr 8Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
M-Step (11th grade)Date: Apr 8Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
9 Apr
1/2 day 3rd hr 1:25-2:25PM | 4th hr 2:30-3:30PMDate: Apr 9Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
SAT (11th grade)Date: Apr 9Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
10 Apr
1/2 day 5th hr 1:25-2:25PM | 6th hr 2:30-3:30PMDate: Apr 10Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
WorkKeys (11th gr) | PSAT 9/10 (9+10th gr)Date: Apr 10Calendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
11 Apr
Accommodated WorkKeys (11th)Date: Apr 11Location: East GymCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
22 Apr
EMU Admitted Seniors Workshop 10:30 AM to 11:30 AMEMU Admitted Seniors WorkshopDate: Apr 22Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AMCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
23 Apr
JUNIORS: Paying for College Night (Virtual) 8:00 PM to 9:30 PMJUNIORS: Paying for College Night (Virtual)Date: Apr 23Time: 8:00 PM to 9:30 PMLocation: VirtualCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar
We are hosting a Paying for College presentation to help students and families learn about the financial aid process. As a public service, a representative from Oakland University will deliver the presentation, but the information shared is able to be used at any school a student attends.
Please register using this link: https://apply.oakland.
edu/register/?id=7e0c7c40- 2c55-47b1-ae24-6f0b5b694c91 If you are unable to join the presentation on the date scheduled, you can always access any of the virtual presentations or watch the recorded version on the Financial Aid Events website for students and families (oakland.edu/financialevents).
24 Apr
Careers in Fire and EMS 2:30 PM to 3:30 PMCareers in Fire and EMSDate: Apr 24Time: 2:30 PM to 3:30 PMLocation: College + Career CenterCalendar: BHS Counseling Department Calendar