Kids' Zone Story Time

Berkley Schools Kids' Zone Latchkey & Summer Camp Program

Before & After School Care Latchkey

Kids' Zone is committed to providing a high-quality after school program and a strong partnership with each child's family. We work together to create life-long learners, ready to reach their fullest potential in school and in life. We focus on each child as an individual, and strive to create a unique experience in a safe, nurturing and enriching environment.

Kids' Zone (School Age Childcare Latchkey) and Summer Days Camp programs are licensed by Michigan Department of Human Services. We are committed to exceed the standards set by the State.

Any school aged child entering TK/Kindergarten through 5th grade who has completed all of the required application forms, and is 5 years of age by the start date, is eligible for admission to Kids' Zone latchkey. Students must be going into 1st-6th grade to be eligible for Summer Days Camp. Enrollment will be ongoing until the program is full, register early to guarantee your child(ren) can participate in the Kids' Zone or Summer Days Camp program. All programs require a minimum of 18 students to register in order to operate the session.

Before & After School Care Hours

Angell, Pattengill and Rogers Elementary

Before Care: 7:00am - 8:00am (No before care is available for Pattengill)
After Care: 3:15pm - 5:30pm
Half Day Care: Begins at 11:20am

Norup International

After Care: 3:20pm - 5:30pm
Half Day Care: Begins at 11:30am

Kids’ Zone is available to students grades TK-5, before and after-school at Angell, Norup, Pattengill and Rogers.  We also offer child care for registered Kids’ Zone families on half days, snow days, and during Winter & Spring breaks.

Kids’ Zone provides a high-quality program and a strong partnership with each child’s family. We focus on children as individuals, and strive to create a unique experience in a safe, nurturing and enriching environment.

Kids’ Zone is licensed by the State of Michigan for child care. We are staffed at an 18 students to 1 adult ratio, and will expand care as needed until we reach our allowed maximum.

2025-26 Application Procedures

Reach out to Sarah Pinch about availability for the 2025-26 school year: 248-837-8900

We are accepting applications for currently enrolled Kids' Zone families through May 23, 2025.  At that time, if space permits, we will open enrollment to the general public.  

When enrolling during the school year, applications must be fully completed and the enrollment fee paid before you are notified of acceptance. 2-3 business days are required to process the paperwork before your student can attend their first day. Student must be at least 5 years of age by the start date.

Please return completed forms online, by fax 248.546.9238 or via email to  Sarah Pinch.

2025-26 Forms

KZ Enrollment Packet 25-26
2025-2026 Kids' Zone Tuition
PDF Document2024-2025 Kids' Zone Calendar
PDF Document2024-2025 Parent Handbook
PDF DocumentPayment Form
PDF DocumentMedication Permission Form
PDF DocumentOver The Counter Medication Form

If you have any questions or concerns email Sarah Pinch or phone 248-837-8900.

Half Days 24-25 School Year

  • January 17th, 2025  - we are not running half day Kids' Zone care this day.
  • February 14th, 2025 - we are not running half day Kids' Zone care this day.

Families must pre-register and pre-pay. Sign up begins 1 month prior to the Half day or Break, and will end when the program is full or until 1 week before the date of care. 18 Students must sign up in order to operate any Kids' Zone program. If minimum sign-ups are not reached the program will not run and families will be notified. Students must already be registered for regular days in the Kids' Zone program in order to sign up for half-day or break care. 

Half Day Price: $38 until normal dismissal, $50 until 5:30pm (in addition to normal monthly costs)

Contact Sarah Pinch to register, or call 248-837-8900.

Mid-Winter & Spring Break Care

Families must pre-register and pre-pay. Sign up begins 1 month prior to the Half day or Break, and will end when the program is full or until 1 week before the date of care. 18 Students must sign up in order to operate any Kids' Zone program. If minimum sign-ups are not reached the program will not run and families will be notified. Students must already be registered for regular days in the Kids' Zone program in order to sign up for half-day or break care. 

  • Daily Rate: $77/day
  • Weekly Rate: $300/ Week

Contact Sarah Pinch to register, or call 248-837-8900.

Kids' Zone Latchkey Office

Berkley Building Blocks
14700 W. Lincoln
Oak Park, MI 48237

Phone: 248-837-8900
Fax: 248-546-9238

Available Schools

Angell Elementary - 248-840-0678
Norup International - 248-840-5848
Pattengill Elementary - 248-840-9382
Rogers Elementary - 248-840-9674

News & Announcements

Kids' Zone Fall Start

Student's will be brought from their room to Kids' Zone by their teacher or a Kids' Zone staff member. AM care begins at 7am. PM care ends at 5:30pm. 

Kindergarteners have a half day the first 2 days: August 26th and 27th. There will be no additional Kids' Zone care from the half day dismissal until 3:15 so please plan accordingly. 

Student must be 5 in order participate in any Kids' Zone program.

Kids' Zone 24-25 Waitlist

We are currently full on most days of Kids' Zone. To register, please inquire with Sarah Pinch to see if there are openings on your desired days. If there is no space available you will be placed on a waitlist.