Parent Information
Angell School Supply List 2024-25
Angell Playground - Visual Rules
Angell Traffic & Parking Guidelines
Angell Picture Day is Monday, September 16, 2024
Angell Picture Re-take day is October 29, 2024
Angell Fun Picture day is March 19, 2025
Angell PTA webpage
5th Grade Camp Information
5th Grade Camp at Camp Storer, March 5-7, 2025
Dear 5th Grade Families,,
Below are some reminders about 5th grade camp . . . .
Health Forms: Please use our Camp Health Form Link to complete a health form for your child. This will help us organize all the necessary information to ensure your child has a great experience at camp. We would like all health forms completed by Monday, February 3, 2025.
Payment Information: The cost of camp will be $100 per student. This includes all meals, accommodations, transportation, and educational classes. Each PTA has provided funding that enables us to only charge $100. If you have a need for financial assistance please do not hesitate to contact me or your building principal personally. Our goal is to have 100% of our students attend camp regardless of their ability to pay. Camp payments may be sent directly to the main office and checks can be made out to the Berkley School District. We will also accept cash payments. You are welcome to make several smaller payments or make one payment. We also have a digital/online option for camp payments. Please follow these directions to make online payments through the MISTAR Parent Portal.
3. Medication Drop-Off:
All buildings will collect medications for camp on:
Friday, February 28th
Monday, March 3rd
Tuesday, March 4th
Medication can be dropped off at your school’s main office before or after school. We do not want to collect medication on the day of camp as we will be busy getting ready to depart. We appreciate your cooperation.
Please remember:- All medications must be in their original bottles.
- All medications must have the dosage indicated.
- Inhalers and EpiPens will be collected prior to camp. Both items will be distributed to your child/cabin counselor at camp. We have purchased special bags for students to use during camp. These items will always be in the vicinity of the student in the event of an emergency.
- Please make sure all names are clearly marked on the medication bottles.
- If you are sending Over the Counter medication please make sure those are clearly marked, as well. Remember, we must follow all dosage recommendations.
Luggage Drop Off
All luggage must be dropped off at Hartfield Lanes (3490 Twelve Mile Rd, Berkley, MI 48072). A luggage truck for each school will be located in the back part of the parking area behind Hartfield Lanes. Our custodial/maintenance staff will be on site to assist and make sure each piece of luggage is identified with a piece of colored tape to denote the school. Colored tape will be onsite to use. It is unnecessary to provide tape. Please make sure your child’s first and last name is clearly marked on all their luggage.
Luggage Drop Off Times:
- Angell - 7:15am (Purple)
- Burton - 7:15am (Blue)
- Norup - 7:45am (Red)
- Pattengill - 7:45am (Yellow)
- Rogers - 7:30am (Pink)
Reporting to School on Wednesday, March 5th
Students will be dropped off at normal entry time at their home school. Please do not drop students off too early.Students will report to their classrooms and await directions from their classroom teachers. Parents are welcome to wait outside until the buses depart for camp.
PACKING LIST: Please use the Packing List to organize all the clothing and items needed for camp. Please note that students may not bring any electronics, including Apple Watches and phones of any kind. This is a good time to make sure you have ALL the winter gear as it will be hard to find in March. Remember that we do not allow any electronics at camp (cell phones, ereaders such as kindles, smartwatches, ipads, etc…)
Letters: Fifth graders love mail! Start thinking about organizing letters and asking important people in your child's life to consider sending letters, as well. If you choose to mail them, you will want to send them out the week before we leave for camp.
Name of Student
Name of School
Outdoor Environmental Education
YMCA Storer Camps
6941 North Stony Lake Road
Jackson, MI 49201
We will not have access to the Internet while we are gone and will not be able to check our email. No news is good news!
Nervous Camper: If your child is feeling nervous about camp, please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher as they can help develop strategies that can help your child. It is also important to inform teachers of any potential issues (bedwetting, sleep walking, etc…) in advance. This should also be reflected on the health form.
Departing from Camp on March 7th
Students will load onto the buses after lunch at 12:30pm. Campers will arrive back at school at approximately 1:45/2:00 pm. Luggage will leave camp before our students and will be unloaded at each school for parents to pick up. ALL campers will be dropped off at their home school and parents will pick up their child and take them home. Students will not report to school for the remainder of the day. This is also a time to pick up medications that were sent to camp from school staff.
9.CAMP RULES AND PICKUP AUTHORIZATION FORM: Please read through this document and provide the
name of anyone who is authorized to pick up your child when they return from camp and provide digital
initials that indicate you have read and understand camp rules.
Attendance Policy
24 hour Attendance line 248-837-8530
Please call and leave a message if your child will be absent or tardy.
Students who are marked tardy or absent and have not been reported as such on the attendance line will receive a phone call and/or e-mail (per your preferences set with MISTAR). E-mails sent to classroom teachers do not enter into our attendance system. Please also call the office to report your students absence.
Class Party and Birthday Treat Information
Birthday & Class Treat Information
Angell Elementary is committed to creating safe spaces for all students. Many students have been diagnosed with food allergies or health conditions (such as Diabetes and Celiac Disease) that can be life threatening. Those students with food allergies can have a rapid onset full body systemic response to their allergen called Anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition. In order to ensure a safe and inclusive learning space for all, Angell is adhering to the following guidelines:
ALL class parties or celebrations of any kind will be FOOD FREE events. This includes Halloween, Winter Celebrations, Valentines Day exchanges, birthday favors, etc.
End of Year celebrations may include safe and approved food items per teacher discretion.
ALL activities and materials must be free of all classroom allergens
Students are welcome to bring in non-food items to pass out to classmates instead of birthday treats. (Please coordinate with classroom teacher)
Nut Free classrooms will be established in the event a student of that classroom has any nut allergy. All food entering these classrooms must be free of peanuts and tree nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, coconut, Brazil nuts, pecans, etc.). Please refer to the snack list below for safe snack ideas.
In the event a student is in a Nut Free classroom or common area (media center, art room, etc.) for lunch, their lunch MUST BE peanut/tree nut free.
Students with other allergens will be accommodated on a case by case basis. Please reach out to Mr. G to discuss further.
Snack ideas for Nut free classrooms:
- Fruits, Vegetables, Cheese
- Honey Maid and Keebler graham crackers
- Enjoy Life brand
- Made Good brand
- Cooper Street brand
- Fig Newtons
- Nutri Grain breakfast bars, Special K bars
- Teddy Grahams
- Annie’s brand snack mix, grahams
- Goldfish/goldfish graham snacks
- Nabisco Barnum Animal Crackers
- pretzels
- Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Vegetable Thins
- Town House, Club, Ritz or Toasteds crackers
- Cheez-Its, Cheese Nips, Better Cheddars
- Saltines, Oyster crackers
- Popcorn (Pop Secret, Orville Redenbacher, Vics, Healthy Choice, Pelican Bay, Skinny Pop, Pirate’s Booty)
- Sun Chips, Pringles
- Nature’s Bakery Brand bars
Use this printable Treat Information & Snack Ideas sheet to keep at home.
Dress Code
Angell Elementary promotes a school atmosphere which values safety, health, and a positive learning environment. While we recognize that what a student wears to school is a matter of individual taste, apparel which distracts from the educational process or is derogatory in nature will not be allowed.
Angell students are expected to dress for success every day. The following dress code regulations are for school and school related activities:
- Students may NOT wear clothing that advertises alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sexual exploitation, profanity, or violence.
- Pants worn below the waist line will not be permitted.
- Dresses, skirts, and shorts must be longer than the tips of student’s fingers when the arms are extended down the side of the body.
- Shirts must cover the midriff area and straps must be at least three adult fingers in width.
- Spaghetti straps (see above), low-cut shirts, backless shirts, strapless shirts, tube tops, and halter tops are not permitted.
- Flip-flops or other sandals that create a danger in running on the playground and in emergency situations are not advised, due to safety reasons.
- Bandanas, hats, and sunglasses not permitted to be worn in school.
Parents or guardians can assist us by reviewing their child’s clothing before he/she leaves for school. Identify “school clothing” and separate it from other wardrobe items. It may be helpful to set aside a few dresser drawers/closet areas for designated school clothing. This will help a child independently choose articles of clothing that are acceptable at school.
Any student who violates the student dress code may be asked to change into spare clothing available in school or his/her parent will be contacted and asked to bring a change of clothes to the school. Failure to adhere to the Angell Dress Code may result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension from school.
Health & Medication Information
Find medication forms and learn more about staying healthy on the Student Health & Medication section on the District's Parent page.
Kids' Zone Latchkey
The Berkley School District offers before and after school child care at Angell Elementary. The Kids' Zone Latchkey program is managed by Berkley Building Blocks. Registration forms can be found on their webpage. If you have additional questions regarding payment or registration please call 248-837-8900.
Hours and Location: The Angell Kids' Zone program is held in the gym at Angell before school from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. and after school from 3:15 to 6:00 p.m.
Students should be brought into the building by their parents at the gym door on Beverly in the morning. A parent, guardian, or other authorized emergency contact must sign the child out in the afternoon with proper identification.
Kindergarten Parent Information Night 2024
Lunch at Angell
School Breakfast and Lunch is free for the 2024-25 school year.
For detailed breakfast and lunch information, please visit the Berkley Schools Food Services website at the link below.
Berkley Schools Food Services Website
Schools of Choice
The Berkley Board of Education has approved Schools of Choice slots for the 2025-26 school year. Learn more details about the number of slots, grades and timelines on the Schools of Choice website.
Student Arrival & Dismissal Doors
Door Assignments
All entrances, with the exception of the main front door at Bacon, are for students only. Each morning students should line up at their designated entrance door when they arrive at school. At 8:00 am teachers will greet students at their door and walk them directly into the classroom. Please remember that ONLY STUDENTS and teachers are allowed to enter the building at these entrances, all other parents and community members must enter through the man office doors located on Bacon. Visitors (including parents) must sign in at the office and receive a visitor sticker.
Students will be dismissed at 3:15 pm at their designated door. Children who are not picked up in a timely fashion will report directly to the office. Children attending latch key will be picked up at classrooms by latch key staff on a daily basis.
If a child arrives late they must report to the main office and sign in.
Door 1: Main Front Doors on Bacon Near Flagpole
- Transitional Kindergarten: Mrs. Ovies
- Kindergarten Class: Mrs. Hoerner
Door 13: Doors at Northeast Corner of Bacon
- 4th Grade Classes: Mrs. Burns, Ms. McVeigh, and Mr. Wilhelmi
Door 12: Doors at Northeast Corner by the Media Center on Beverly
- 5th Grade Classes: Mrs. Ozanich and Mrs. Shifman
Door 9: Doors at Northwest Corner by the Gymnasium on Beverly
- 3rd Grade Classes: Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Riddle, and Mrs. Sturtz
Door 6: Doors Located Near the Playground
- 1st Grade Classes: Mrs. Thomas, Ms. Wexler, and Mrs. Zimcosky
- 2nd Grade Classes: Mrs. Cozart, Ms. Huffer, and Ms. Snay
Door 2: Doors located at Southeast Corner on Bacon Near Staff Parking Lot
- Kindergarten Classes: Mrs. Maten and Mrs. Watkins
Traffic Pattern & Guidelines
Berkley Public Safety updated the traffic patterns and guidelines around our schools. These changes are part of a larger traffic safety plan and allow public safety quick access to our buildings at all times. Please take the time to review the changes to our new traffic pattern including new designated pick up and drop-off zones, and review the full Angell Traffic Pattern document with a map.
- Curbside drop-off & pickup will take place opposite school grounds, on the resident/house side of the street
- Drop-off, pickup, parking, stopping, and standing around the perimeter of Angell is not permitted to allow public safety quick access to buildings in case of emergency
- Students will cross at the designated crosswalks at the corner of Bacon & Beverly
- and Cummings & Beverly
- Students should exit cars on the resident/house side of Bacon and Cummings, walk to the corner, and cross with a crossing guard. Students should exit onto the curb, not into the street.
- Caregivers are encouraged to park and walk with their child to school
- Parking is allowed opposite school grounds any time of day
- Angell staff parking lot is reserved for staff only, and is not a drop-off/pick up zone
- Berkley Public Safety will be enforcing the traffic rules
The Berkley School District has developed a visitor policy that is in place at all Berkley schools. The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe and secure environment for our students and staff.
All parents and visitors entering Angell during school hours are required to enter through the main entrance on Bacon Street and sign in at the office. Please bring your government issued Identification to be scanned into our Raptor Visitor Management System. All visitors who have a pre-arranged visit or volunteer activity planned with your child's classroom teacher or other school staff will be issued a visitor pass.
These policies will allow the Angell staff to continue to provide a safe and productive place for your child to learn.
Parents are encouraged to volunteer in classrooms, chaperone field trips, and be a volunteer driver. In order to volunteer in the classroom or on school-sponsored functions, all parents or guardians must complete the Volunteer Release Form and be approved through the district process prior to any activities. Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing.
Parents driving or chaperoning a field trip must have the Volunteer Driver Form and Chaperone Responsibility Form completed in addition to the Volunteer Release Form. All forms can be found on the District Volunteer/Chaperone page.
Volunteer, Driver and Chaperone forms must be submitted for approval each school year.
If you have turned in a volunteer release form and would like to know the status please call the Angell office at 248-837-8500 or send an email to Heather Schneider.