Join the PTA!
Join the PTA and pay your dues online! Use the link below to conveniently pay with your credit card or debit card. Paying by cash or check is still an option, but please consider taking advantage of the convenient online payment option. Thank you for supporting the Angell PTA!
Click here to pay your PTA Membership online
Teacher Amazon Wish Lists
Parent volunteers are always welcome for events at any commitment level.
Contact Bridget Rock - PTA President, for further details.
Angell PTA Committee Information
Angell Committee Information
The Angell Elementary School PTA is supported by membership fees, donations & fundraisers for all PTA sponsored programs and activities. Being a part of the PTA is the best way to have input and insight into educational programs, policies and issues that will affect your child now and in the future.
We meet the first Tuesday of each month (with a few exceptions) at 7pm in the Angell Media Center. We welcome new ideas and motivated people to make those ideas come to life! We fund a variety of projects at Angell including all assemblies, teacher classroom stipends, media center purchases and 5th grade camp stipends. We also fund fun family social events like Art Night, Skate Night, Reading Night and more. Our Fun Run is the fundraising base for the PTA and is held in October.
It takes a village to get the job done. We have a group of fun and dedicated volunteers to keep the wheels moving.
The PTA sponsors several school wide assemblies.
Book Fair
Held three times per year in the media center. Volunteers are needed to help set up, clean up and help students pick out books for their wish list.
Caring and Sharing
This program is a Berkley School District wide fundraiser held in November and December.
Fall Fest
A “welcome back to school” party held on the playground every September.
Field Day
A school wide event held in June. This chair will help Mr. Price (gym teacher) purchase items needed for Field Day activities, coordinate a volunteer sign up and helps set up and monitor the event.
Founder’s Day
Each February, the school district recognizes one teacher, support person and PTA volunteer of the year from all buildings. The PTA donates a basket to raffle.
Fun Run
The fundraising base of the PTA held in the fall! Students seek out donations from family and friends. They then run around the school together with their classmates and teachers. It’s a highly anticipated event for the entire Angell community.
Green Schools
The Michigan Green Schools Program encourages public and private schools to participate in environmentally friendly and energy savings activities. This chair fills out an online Green Schools application form in January of each year.
Ice Cream Social
Held in the spring, Ice Cream Social is a time for families to get together one last time before summer. Carnival games and food are available for purchase. Each classroom is responsible for putting together a themed basket to be raffled off.
This position receives membership applications, processes payments to the Michigan PTA and maintains a database.
Conference meals
One way that the PTA gives back to the teachers at Angell is by providing them a meal during Parent/Teacher Conferences.
Picture Day
This position helps coordinate the traditional school pictures in the fall and the “Fun Picture Day” in the spring.
Restaurant Nights
Held monthly throughout the school year, this chair reaches out to various restaurants in the area to host families and donate a portion of the proceeds back to the PTA.
Room Parent Coordinator
This position coordinates the room parents at Angell by holding an informational meeting in the fall and sending out various reminders throughout the year.
School Kits
Every spring this position contacts staff to update their lists of “back to school supplies”. Kits are ordered in the spring and delivered before the start of school.
Spirit Wear
This position coordinates the sale of clothing and other items with the Angell logo. This also includes the classroom shirts used for field trips.
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
One week in May Angell PTA honors the teachers and staff at Angell. This chair helps coordinate a PTA sponsored meal and sets up a volunteer sign up to stock the lounge with snacks.
Trunk or Treat
This free event is held in October in the Angell parking lot. Families or groups sign up to decorate their trunk with a Halloween theme. Volunteers help hand out cider and donuts, deliver candy, set up and clean up.
We look forward to seeing you at a meeting this year. Welcome to Angell!
Become a Room Parent!
Angell Elementary Room Parents 2024/25
The goal of the Angell Room Parent program is to support the classroom teachers by assisting in the planning, organization and implementation of classroom activities and PTA sponsored events.
Please check out Room Parent Information here.
Thank you very much for your time and dedication to our children! If you are interested in becoming a Room Parent please contact our Room Parent Coordinator.
Questions? Contact:
Nicole Furhman, PTA Room Parent Coordinator
Vince Gigliotti, Principal
PTA By-Laws & Minutes
Meeting Minutes 2024-2025
Minutes 9/3/2024
Minutes 10/3/2024
Minutes 11/12/2024
Minutes 12/4/2024
Minutes 1/07/2025
Minutes 2/4/2025
Meeting Minutes 2023-2024Minutes 09/05/2023
Minutes 10/14/2023
Minutes 11/14/2023
Minutes 12/05/2023
Minutes 1/09/2024
Minutes 2/6/2024
Minutes 3/5/2024
Minutes 4/2/2024
Minutes 5/14/2024
PTA Forms
Questions? Contact the 2024-2025 Angell PTA Board
Bridget Rock - PTA President
Open - PTA Vice President
Kelsey Cole- PTA Secretary
Tara Samson - PTA Treasurer
Open - PTA PR Coordinator
PTA ResourcesNational PTA Website
Michigan PTA Website