Scheduling Options

Anderson Middle School  
Grades 6 - 7 - 8 Curriculum 

AMS Curriculum Guide

6th Grade

6th Grade Required Courses:

  • Math 6 
  • Social Studies 6
  • Science 6
  • Language Arts 6 

You MAY select of one of the following Music classes, which are full year classes:

  • Band 6, Orchestra 6 or Choir 6

***If you have NOT selected a Music class, you must select the two classes below:

  • Creative Writing
  • Current Events

***All students must select all 4 of the following rotational electives:


  • Visual Art 6
  • Physical Education 6
  • Computer 6
  • Family Consumer Science (FCS

7th Grade

7th Grade Required Courses:

  • Math 7 
  • Social Studies 7
  • Science 7
  • Language Arts 7 

You MAY select of one of the following Foreign Language classes, which are full year classes:

  • Intro to Spanish 
  • Spanish I 
  • Intro to French
  • French I

You MAY select of one of the following Music classes, which are full year classes:

  • Band 7-8, Orchestra 7-8 OR Choir 7-8 (may pick one only)

***If you have selected BOTH a Foreign Language AND a Music class, you have completed your electives.

***If you have selected EITHER a Foreign Language OR a Music class you must also select any two of the Elective courses below.

***If you did NOT select EITHER Foreign Language OR Music class, you must select four of the following Elective classes.


  • Visual Art 7
  • Family Consumer Science 7
  • Physical Education 7
  • Robotics 1
  • LINK
  • Study Skills
  • Math Strategies
  • ELA Strategies

8th Grade

8th Grade Required Courses:

  • Algebra 8 
  • Social Studies 8
  • Science 8
  • Language Arts 8

You MAY select of one of the following Foreign Language classes, which are full year classes:

  •  Intro to French, French I,  Intro to Spanish , Spanish I, or Spanish II (may pick one only)

You MAY select of one of the following Music classes, which are full year classes:

  • Band 7-8, Orchestra 7-8 OR Choir 7-8 (pick one only)

***If you have selected BOTH a Foreign Language AND a Music class, you have completed your electives..

***If you have selected EITHER a Foreign Language OR a Music class  you must also select any two of the Elective courses below.

***If you did NOT select EITHER Foreign Language OR Music class, you must select four of the following Elective classes.

  • Visual Art 8
  • Family Consumer Science 8
  • Physical Education 8
  • Robotics 1
  • Robotics 2
  • Yearbook (full year course - must apply)
  • LINK
  • Study Skills
  • Math Strategies
  • ELA Strategies