AMS Policies and Expectations

Student Behavior Expectations


  • All students show respect for other students, staff, and visitors to AMS at all times. 
  • Students use appropriate language at school and during school events. This includes use of profanity, racial, ethnic, or religious slurs, sexual orientation slurs, or other disrespectful remarks. Students who exhibit these behaviors will be handled with progressive discipline in accordance with the student code of conduct.
  • Students keep their hands to themselves to respect others personal space and avoid potential conflicts.
  • Students are in attendance everyday for school and arrive to all classes on time with all necessary books and supplies.
  • All students complete assigned work on time and to the best of his or her ability.

Attendance Policies & Procedures

Parents are expected to report their student’s absence to the school office (248-837-8230) or through the MISTAR Parent Portal before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. You may also leave a message on the school office voicemail 24 hours a day.
Excused absences include illness, funerals, medical/dental appointments, religious holidays, pre-arranged absences.

Attendance Protocol is as follows:

  •  At 10 or more absences a letter will be sent to notify parents or guardians, & the student may meet with the Oakland County Truancy Liaison
  •  At 20 absences a letter will be sent to parents or guardians & the student may be referred to the Oakland County Truancy Officer

Students who are absent for 5 or more consecutive days may be asked to provide a Dr.’s note or other appropriate documentation explaining the reason for their absence. 

Make-up work is the student’s responsibility. Students have the number of days equal to the number of days absent to make up work when the absence is excused.
On the third day of an absence a homework request can be made. You can check staff websites for everyday work being assigned by teachers.

Early Dismissal

Students may not leave the school for any reason without permission from the office.
If a student is to be excused during the day, a phone call (on our 24 hour attendance line 248-837-8230), or a note indicating the reason for and the time of dismissal, from a parent is required. This note is submitted to the Main Office at the beginning of the school day. Students check in and out of the office upon leaving and returning to school.

Students who are dismissed early due to illness, should not return to school again on that day.

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be on time to all classes with all necessary books and supplies. 

Students who accumulate excessive tardies per class will be given the following consequences: 

5 Tardies - Lunch detention assigned by a teacher to be served either with the teacher or in the detention room (teacher decides).  Teacher will notify a parent and include administration on the notification. 

10 Tardies =  2 lunch detentions assigned by a teacher to be served either with the teacher or in the detention room (teacher decides).  Teacher will notify a parent and include administration on the notification. 

15 Tardies = Student is referred to an administrator who will assign a half day of in school suspension.  An administrator will notify a parent. 

20 Tardies = Student is referred to an administrator who will assign a full day of in school suspension.  An administrator will notify a parent and may request a meeting to discuss the excessive tardies.

Dress Code Expectations

AMS encourages students to dress in a manner that allows for the most individual comfort and freedom, while still maintaining the proper atmosphere in which to learn.

The following attire is not permitted at school or during school events:

  • Clothing which displays profanity or inferences which are inappropriate.
  • Clothing that displays or advertises alcohol, tobacco, drugs, weapons, or violence.
  • Clothes that expose undergarments.  
  • Hats, head gear, or hoods (exception would be for religious purposes).
  • Coats and purses must be kept in lockers except for lunchtime.

If a student’s attire is in question of violating the dress code expectations, the teacher will send the student to an administrator who will make a final determination.

Electronic Device Expectations

AMS enforces an Away for the Day electronic device policy to reduce distractions and irresponsible use of technology.

From 8:15 - 3:15, all electronic devices, including cell phones and personal gaming devices, must be put away. This includes lunch time. There may be times when teachers will allow cell phone use during class time for academic needs. This will be an individual teacher decision.

The consequences for violating the school policy will be as such:

  • 1st and 2nd offense -  the staff member will take the device and give it to the office to be returned to the student at 3:15pm. A parent will be notified each time the device is taken.
  • 3rd offense and thereafter -  the staff member will take the device and give it to the office and a parent will be notified to pick up the device.
  • Any student who takes a picture or video of another student or staff member, during the school day or outside of the school day, without that student or staff member's consent, and shares the picture or video with others through group chats or social media, may be issued school discipline if it impacts the school environment.

Entry and Exit Before and After School

  • Students should enter through their designated grade level door no later than 8:05.
  • Students must exit the building by 3:30 and may exit out any door.  Any exceptions to this will require administrative approval.
  • Students may remain in the building after 3:30 if they are staying for:
    • Sports practices or games
    • Meeting with a teacher
    • Participating in a club
    • Homework Club
    • Any other school related activity

Inclement Weather Policy

When there are inclement weather conditions such as rain, falling snow, and/or actual temperatures below 20 degrees, students are allowed to enter the building upon their arrival to school. Once students enter through their designated grade level door, they must wait in the hallway until the first bell rings at 8:05. Additionally, our Cafeteria is open for students to drop in Monday through Friday from 7:30-8:05, provided that they work on homework or read a book.