AMS Orchestra & Band Receive Top Rating at Festival

During the week of March 3, both the Anderson Middle School 7th and 8th Grade Orchestra and Band students traveled to Waterford Kettering High School to participate in the Michigan School Band and Orchestra (MSBOA) Festival. At Festival, ensembles perform for a group of professional adjudicators who assign ratings based on intonation, rhythm, dynamics and sight reading. Ensembles prepare three pieces of music to play for the three judges then move to a different room where they perform a piece they have never played before and receive a rating on sight reading.
Both the 7/8 Orchestra and 7/8 Band received straight 1s and an overall rating of 1 which is the highest rating that can be earned. Orchestra Teacher Audrey MacDonald shared, ”This means that all four judges who listened to us today rated our orchestra with the highest score possible. While there are many categories and grades within that rating, their scores averaged out to be 1s across the board!”