March 6, 2025

Angell Kicks Off March Reading Month

An individual dressed as a dog engages with school children seated on a gym floor during an event.

On Monday, March 3, Angell Elementary students embarked on an exciting literary journey with PAWS to Read Adventure, a fun and engaging play that kicked off March is Reading Month. The play was written and produced by Angell’s Reading Month chairpeople, Kindergarten Teacher Michelle Hoerner and Media Specialist Julie McKeeman.

The performance featured beloved characters, including Bookworm Bella (played by 5th grade teacher Danielle Ozanich), the reluctant reader Distracted Danny (played by 4th grade teacher Josh Wilhelmi), and the heroic Captain Chapter (played by 3rd grade teacher Ann Daniels), who helped everyone discover the magic of books. Special guest Principal Pup (Vince Gigliotti) made a lively appearance, sharing his love of reading and encouraging students to explore new stories.

Through humor, adventure, and an important message about finding the right book, the play inspired students to embrace reading all month long.

This year’s Reading Month theme is “Paws to Read,” which ties directly into the play and sets the stage for a month filled with fun reading events and activities at Angell Elementary. In addition to the play, students will participate in a variety of exciting reading-themed activities throughout the month, such as:

  • Motivating Mondays: Wear a shirt with motivating words
  • Tiger Tuesdays: Wear your favorite TIGER gear
  • Reading Month Wednesdays: Wear your Reading Month shirt
  • Author Assembly
  • Battle of the Books
  • Book Swap
  • Scholastic Book Fair
  • PJ Read-In

And much more, making March a month full of excitement and a celebration of the joy of reading.