Norup Families Celebrate Multicultural Night

On November 7, Norup hosted a Multicultural Night. Students and families enjoyed food and activities and learned about Norup families from different cultures by visiting stations around the school. Students earned stamps on their passports at each station.
Members of the Norup community prepared dishes from all over the world. Families sampled foods from Mexico, Japan, Iraq, Hong Kong, Cuba, and more. They also participated in group arts and crafts activities at different stations, such as Korea where there was a game of Yut Nori and coloring and Day of the Dead where students colored and decorated their own calaveras on paper at the Mexico table.
Norup Principal Paul Yowchuang shared his appreciation for the event, “Norup Spanish teacher Samantha Morey put on a wonderful Multicultural Night which was very well attended. This night is an annual tradition and a wonderful celebration of our very diverse population at Norup,” he said.