Berkley Schools Celebrates Halloween with Trunk or Treats

Angell Trunk or Treat
On October 25, Angell Elementary PTA organized a Trunk or Treat for families to celebrate the Halloween season. Angell families gathered in the Angell parking lot and playground to parade around collecting treats at different Halloween-themed decorated vehicles.
Burton Trunk or Treat
On Wednesday, October 30, Burton students traveled to the City of Huntington Woods City Hall parking lot for their Trunk or Treat. This PTA sponsored event was enjoyed by all students and families who attended.
Norup Trunk or Treat
On Wednesday, October 30, the Norup PTA hosted the annual Norup Trunk or Treat. Students were wrapped around the building waiting to enter the trick or treating area. The Norup PTA provided a DJ and Halloween decorations to make the evening a memorable night. Fun was had by students of all ages.
Pattengill Trunk or Treat
On Friday, October 25, the Pattengill community enjoyed their annual Trunk or Treat, sponsored by the Pattengill PTA. Cars were decorated with Halloween themed things and candy was passed out to the students. Halloween arts and crafts were available as well as a food truck and music for all to enjoy.
Rogers Trunk or Treat
Rogers PTA hosted the school’s first Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30. Students and families gathered in the parking lot to showcase their trunk creations and to receive candy. The PTA also handed out cider and donuts!