September 20, 2024

Berkley High School Hosts Clubs in the Courtyard

Four students interacting at a high school club recruitment table outdoors, with one seated and three standing. The table is labeled with a banner and features a laptop and promotional materials.

On Wednesday, September 18, Berkley High School hosted Clubs in the Courtyard during lunch. The courtyard was filled with students eager to share the clubs they represented with classmates. Berkley High School is home to 35+ clubs for students to join, most of which were on display at Clubs in the Courtyard. Students were curious and excited to discover new interests including the following clubs:  Drama, Guitar and Bass, Chess, Female Focused, This is How We Jew It, GSA, Your Vote Matters, World Cultures, Spike Ball, Finance, DECA, Video Game, Robotics, Roblox, Diversity Council and more.