September 13, 2024

Historic BHS Painting - Community Outreach

Portrait of Mr. Richards, displayed in a gold frame, showing him with a smiling expression, wearing a yellow jacket and a red tie. The text at the bottom reads that he was the first person to manage the career center.

During the 2016 BHS main office renovation a painting was recovered by BHS Teacher John Duffy. The painting is an original oil portrait of Mr. Richards, listed as the first manager of the Career Center. This painting was completed by local artist, Stephen Pugsley.

The District is hoping the community might have a connection to Mr. Richards or his family, or the artist, to see if they would like this photo. If you have a lead, email

If there are no longer connections in the community to Mr. Richards or Mr, Pugsley, the District will donate the portrait to the Berkley Historical Museum.