September 6, 2024

Communications Test Update

Finalsite Berkley Schools Communications Test invitation for Wednesday, September 11 at 7:30 pm. Reminder to save the district call out number, 1-855-504-1667, in your contacts.

The Communications Team tested the new communications system, Finalsite, on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:30 pm. Each parent/guardian listed for each child in MISTAR should have received an email, phone call and text message.


  • 65% of emails were opened
  • 97.7% of text messages were delivered
  • 95.2% of phone calls were delivered
  • We know the phone call took too long to start speaking. We’re working on this with our vendor.
  • Berkley Building Blocks tuition families did not receive the alerts. We are working on fixing our manual upload to resolve this issue.
  • Some people did not receive messages. We are in receipt of their notices and are working with our data team and Finalsite to remedy the issues. We’ll get back with each person who emailed the Communications Office next week as we work through the data.

Didn’t Receive Our Message? Here are Some Self Troubleshooting Steps

  • Log into the MISTAR Parent Portal
  • Select Back to School Packet (this is still open to allow for contact updates)
  • Select your name in the Contacts section
  • In the Parent/Guardian Verification section, make sure your phone numbers have a label (landline, adult cell, work) AND make sure that label is correct. Remove any phone numbers that are not correct. If a number is not labeled it will not sync correctly.

System Test #2

We will send another system test on Wednesday, September 11 at 7:30 pm to make sure all issues are resolved. 

Don’t forget to save the District’s contact number so you know we’re calling/messaging you: 1-855-504-1667.