May 31, 2024

Burton 4th Grade Learns STEM Lessons at Lawrence Technological University

Burton 4th Grade Learns STEM Lessons at Lawrence Technological University

On Friday, April 26, Burton 4th graders traveled to The Marburger STEM Center at Lawrence Technological University (LTU) and experienced an exciting day of hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) learning. This visit is part of the LTU STEM Scholars Visits program, a K-12 educational outreach program. Students started their day in small groups and each student created a "lava lamp" demonstrating liquid density, cube bubbles to better understand surface tension and an air cannon to help explain air movement. Each group was led by a Lawrence Tech student who also shared information about their specific program at LTU. Students also enjoyed a demonstration centered around liquid nitrogen and discussions based on temperature, air, molecule movement and science safety. Students even had a chance to create and sample "frozen" marshmallows!

In addition to enjoying a field trip, students learned that every student who attended received the “STEM Scholars Award” which is an $80,000 scholarship (a 50% tuition discount) if they attend LTU for college and choose one of 16 STEM majors!

This trip was planned by the Burton Social Worker Lexi Ball based on the Michigan Career Development Model for Career Awareness for Grades 4-6. A terrific day was had by all learning about STEM career awareness.