May 24, 2024

Legislative Update from Superintendent Francis

Legislative Update from Superintendent Francis

Dear Berkley Schools Community,

Recently, I had the privilege of representing our District at the state Capitol in Lansing, advocating for crucial funding and support for our schools, staff, and students.

During my time at the Capitol, I met with legislative members to emphasize the importance of prioritizing public education funding in our state. Specifically, our discussions centered around a formal request to the legislature and Governor to reduce district payments for retirement benefits because those funds are overfunded. We could then use the savings for our students, staff, and schools.  We are also asking for the State to eliminate the 3% teacher healthcare contribution.  Visit the Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators website for more detailed information. We also presented a letter from many public education organizations that outlines our request and emphasizes the importance of investing the money in such a way that will support our elementary through high school students.  

Budgets are heading into final discussions at the State’s legislative level and I urge you to contact your legislators and tell them to keep the money allocated for our schools with our elementary through twelfth grade students. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every student in our community receives the education they deserve.

I hope you have a happy Memorial Day weekend, and as always, I am grateful for our school community and to be a part of the community.

Scott Francis
