May 17, 2024

AMS Science Students Visit Angell Kindergarten

AMS Science Students Visit Angell Kindergarten

On May 13 and 14, Anderson 8th grade students in Laura Russell’s classes visited Angell kindergarten classrooms as part of a project-based learning science assignment. Anderson students created team-designed board games that utilized concepts of filters and light and wanted the opinions of their younger peers prior to finalizing their designs.

Before this visit, Anderson students went through their Engineering and Design Processes to create their game prototypes. The students researched board games for young children (5-6 year olds), created the designs and collaborated to make their final prototypes. Students utilized materials brought in from home to build their games. The designs also included directions as well as an insert about the science of their “magic” revealers to show their understanding of light and filters. At Angell, the kindergarten students had a chance to try the games and share their thoughts.

After the visit to Angell, 8th graders took feedback from their kindergarten peers to create a final presentation about their prototype to present in their science classes at Anderson.