June 13, 2023

Board of Education Honors Students at June Study Session

Board of Education Honors Students at June Study Session

At the June 5, 2023, Board of Education Study Session, the Board recognized student musicians, a playwright and the top 5% of the BHS graduating class.


The following honors and accolades for musicians are all related to the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) festivals and individual performances.


The Anderson Middle School 7th & 8th Grade Choir was honored for receiving an excellent rating at the
District Choral Festival, qualifying the group for the State Festival. In addition, the 7th & 8th Grade choir received perfect scores in sight reading. Students performed two pieces at the State Festival.

The Anderson Middle School 6th Grade Choir was honored for receiving an excellent rating at the
District Choral Festival, qualifying the group for the State Festival. The 6th Grade choir received the highest score of all of the Berkley choirs who performed. The students performed two pieces at the State Festival.

The Norup Combined Choir of 6th, 7th and 8th graders, was honored for receiving an excellent rating at the District Choral Festival, qualifying the group for the State Festival. The students performed two pieces at the State Festival. 

The Berkley High School Belle Tones Choir was honored for receiving an excellent rating at the
District Choral Festival, qualifying the group for the State Festival. The students performed three pieces at the State Festival.

The Berkley High School A Cappella Choir was honored for receiving an excellent rating at the District Choral Festival, qualifying the group for the State Festival. The students performed and received an excellent rating at the State Festival, one of seven choirs at States to receive an excellent rating.

MSBOA District IV Honors Band Students

The following students were honored for being members of the MSBOA District IV Honors High School and Middle School Band. Students were nominated for this honor by their music teachers and had the opportunity to play with all students in District IV nominated for the Honors Band earlier this school year:

  • Emily Bayer, Clarinet, BHS
  • Iris Macaulay, Clarinet, BHS
  • Benjamin Fredal, Trombone, BHS
  • Brooke Boatmon, Clarinet, BHS
  • Yeshaya Schreiber, Clarinet, BHS
  • Lauren Eastman, Flute, BHS
  • Rebekah Kim, French Horn, BHS
  • Samuel Melkonian, Drums, BHS
  • Ella Mendelson, Trumpet, BHS
  • Jackson Reynolds, Oboe, Norup
  • Malia Reid, Flute, Norup
  • Katie Goodwin, Trombone, Norup
  • Ruell Estmond, Clarinet, Norup
  • MSBOA District IV Honors Orchestra Students

The following students were honored for being members of the MSBOA District IV Honors Middle School Orchestra. Students were nominated for this honor by their music teacher and had the opportunity to play with all students in District IV nominated for the Honors Orchestra earlier this school year:

  • Natalie Ellis, Cello, Anderson
  • Kara Neiman, Violin, Anderson 
  • Lily Pearson, Viola, Anderson

MSBOA State Solo and Ensemble Superior Division I Ratings

The following students were honored for receiving excellent ratings at the District Solo & Ensemble performances, earning them the opportunity to perform at the State Solo & Ensemble festival. All of the following high school students earned a Superior (the highest rating) at the State level.

  • Iris Macaulay, Solo, Clarinet
  • Ann Redman and Hannah Schueler, Trumpet Duet
  • Zym Bajcz,  Violin

MSBOA 2023 Spring Honors Festival: Honors Jazz Ensemble

The Berkley High School Jazz Ensemble participated in the MSBOA Jazz Festival on March 21, 2023. The Jazz Ensemble stood out as one of the top jazz ensembles and received a Division 1 rating from all three judges with As in every category. The judging panel is allowed to nominate two students at each event for the MSBOA Spring Honors Festival Honors Jazz Ensemble. Berkley students received both nominations plus an honorable mention. Out of hundreds of students Sam Melkonian and Ella Mendelson received this honor to perform alongside the best jazz musicians in the state. Ann Redman was named Honorable Mention. The Board of Education honored Sam, Ella and Ann at the Study Session.

Published Playwright

Hailey Slutzky, BHS Senior, was honored for being chosen as one of only six winners in the state of Michigan for the 2023 Young Playwrights Festival. The Young Playwrights Festival is a showcase of six original works, written by high school students, produced by students from MSU Department of Theatre and performed on the campus of Michigan State University. For this competition, students are invited to submit a one-act play for a jury review and finalists are assigned a professional theatre mentor to prepare for the performance. Hailey completed her play through a directed study with teacher Natalie Ford. Hailey was able to see her play come to life alongside her classmates and some teachers during the Festival’s performance week.

BHS Top 5%

The Board of Education honored the top 5% of the BHS Class of 2023. The following students received that honor:

  • Sarah Cantor, McGill University
  • Sofia Cazares, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Olivia Forte, Michigan State University
  • Nina Freeman, Eastern Michigan University
  • Julia Heller, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Max Kovinsky, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Iris Macaulay, Michigan State University
  • Ella Mendelson, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Darby Niyo, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Alexander Papadopoulos, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Landon Pugh, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • David Rolands, University of Pennsylvania
  • Nyla Scarber, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Matthew Short, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Dayna Starr, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
  • Robert Wyatt, Purdue University