Parent Information
Berkley parents are very involved and our community cares – and that makes all the difference.
Our parents believe in an education which prepares our students with well-rounded opportunities and challenging experiences necessary for individuals to succeed in life. As one parent put it, Berkley provides “life-prep.” Related to that, the level of commitment and quality of our PTAs throughout the district is impressive with a focus on academic achievement and post-secondary education opportunities for all students.
Parent Resources
College Savings Plans
State of Michigan College Savings Plans
The earlier financial planning takes place the better. Michigan has two programs to assist families in this effort.
Michigan Education Trust (MET) is a prepaid tuition program that allows parents, grandparents, or others to pre-purchase undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees. For additional information about MET, call 1-800-MET-4-KID (1-800-638-4543) or visit the MET website.
Michigan Education Savings Program (MESP)
MESP is designed to assist families with preparing for higher education expenses. Parents and others can open an account for a child/beneficiary that can grow through regular contributions and through investment growth. Various investment options are available. For additional information about MESP, call 1-877-861-MESP (1-877-861-6377) or visit the MESP website.
District Criteria for Determining a Specific Learning Disability
Berkley School District Policy and Procedures for Specific Learning Disability (SLD) Evaluations
Definition of a Specific Learning Disability
The Michigan Department of Education defines a specific learning disability (SLD) as:
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write spell, or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental aphasia that adversely affects a student’s educational performance. A SLD does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing or motor disabilities; mental retardation; emotional disturbance; or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.(34 CFR § 300.8 (c) (10))
Process to Determine the Presence of a Specific Learning Disability
Berkley School District utilizes a problem-solving approach to identify a pattern of underachievement plus a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses process (PSW) in the determination of a Specific Learning Disability. The district is committed to moving toward a comprehensive Response To Intervention (RTI) process and is currently building capacity to do so. The RTI model, considered as a best practices approach to documenting and implementing interventions for all students, is based on research conducted by some of this nation’s leading educators and researchers. “Not only does the RTI model provide valid means for identifying students with disabilities, it also merges special education into the overall polices of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), such as having clear standards, useful measurement, and sound instructional practices.” Therefore, this model focuses on enhancing the performance of ALL students through a common system. – Education Evolving Website
The Assistance Team Process
First, it is important to understand our problem solving process that is designed to target the needs of all learners. Berkley School District utilizes a problem- solving model to provide timely assistance to students and match the interventions to each learner’s level of need. This process is organized into three levels, or Tiers.
Tier I
Tier I supports/interventions are those academic and behavioral strategies and resources that all teachers routinely use at the first sign that a student is having problems in the classroom. These supports/interventions are available to all students who need them. Examples include changing the method of instruction, providing the child with additional help, and behavior notes sent home daily to parents. In many cases, these interventions are exactly what children need to be more successful. Therefore, we start with this level of intervention.
Teachers are not alone during the Tier I process. The school assistance team (comprised of building administrators, social worker, psychologist, learning specialist, speech pathologist, resource room teacher, etc.) is available to help with observations, implementing strategies, and progress monitoring. Early intervention is essential.
Teachers and staff document specific areas of concern with related observations. A review of existing evaluative data (e.g., MEAP, DIBELS, unit tests, behavior plan logs, etc.) are also documented.
Tier I typically lasts about 6 to 8 weeks; however, if a disability is suspected, a referral for an evaluation can be made at any time. It is understood that the classroom teacher will have done the following in addition to Tier I interventions/strategies prior to moving to Tier II:
- Private discussions with student
- Parent phone calls and/or conferences
- Environmental changes (i.e., seat changes, proximity to teacher, private workspace, etc.)
- Review CA60
Differentiation strategies as well as specific interventions relative to the area of concern are documented and progress monitoring data collected.
Tier II
If the student continues to fall significantly behind peers or is not showing progress relative to where he/she started before intervention, despite classroom supports, the teacher can refer the student to the building’s team for more intensive interventions and individualized support. The team will identify possible reasons why the student is experiencing the academic or behavioral difficulties and put together a practical, research-based / evidence-based intervention plan to address the student’s problems. The following steps are taken:
- A team meeting will be scheduled where an intervention action plan will be put into place.
- Research-based interventions will be implemented under the plan for a period of approximately 9 to 12 weeks.
- Tier II students will receive increased progress monitoring.
- School staff will inform parents of their rights under the law.
Tier III
If, after evaluating progress monitoring data and using a problem-solving model approach (which may include trying more than one researched-based, individualized intervention), the team finds that a student still has not made significant progress, the school may refer the student for a "full and individual evaluation" conducted by a Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team to determine eligibility for Tier III supports. Tier III supports include services available under Section 504 or Special Education.
Berkley School District complies with federal law (Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA, aka IDEA), the Michigan Administrative Rules of Special Education (MARSE), and Best Practices as set forth by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), when completing "full and individual" evaluations for special education eligibility and educational planning.
Components of the SLD Evaluation
Step 1 : The Referral
When a disability is suspected, a referral for evaluation for a possible Specific Learning Disability may be made in one of two ways:
- Referral is made by the school’s assistance team after a process of problem- solving, intervention implementation, and repeated progress monitoring have been attempted and documented and have not been successful. In this case, the building team contacts the student’s parents, indicates a suspicion of SLD, and requests permission to evaluate.
- A written parental request for a Multidisciplinary Evaluation has been received by the Special Education Department.
Step 2: Consent to evaluate
A form requesting consent to conduct the evaluation will be given to the parent within 10 school days of receiving the request for evaluation.
Step 3: The evaluation
- Evaluation to Determine Academic Achievement:
An SLD evaluation will include measures to determine skills related to academic achievement in multiple areas.- Age-Level Achievement
- Individually administered standardized achievement tests
- Grade Level Achievement
- Curriculum Based Measurement
- Age-Level Achievement
- Evaluation to Determine Classroom Performance
- Curriculum Assessments
- Grades
- Teacher Reports
- Classroom Observations
- Evaluation of Cognitive Processes
Cognitive testing may be a component of an evaluation for SLD as determined to be appropriate by a School Psychologist. Assessments can be norm-referenced cognitive assessments, rating scales, or structured observational data.
Evaluations for cognitive processes will be chosen by the School Psychologist based on a determination of the most appropriate assessment for the child’s age and referral questions.
Examples of psychological processes include but are not limited to:- Working Memory
- Processing Speed
- Attention
- Executive Functioning (mental control)
- Verbal and Nonverbal Reasoning skills
- Review of Information Provided by Parents
Parent input including, but not limited to, developmental and academic history, will be collected by school staff during the evaluation process. Assessments conducted outside of the school district from a private practitioner should be shared and will be considered by the MET. Schools determine the handicapping conditions by following special education laws that are established by the Federal government. The State of Michigan then establishes administrative rules for the schools to follow. Clinics and hospitals operate under guidelines that are given to them by medical definitions of disabilities and by the laws and policies for medical facilities. Sometimes, the medical definition of a condition is not in alignment with the educational setting and the criteria we use in our schools to a) determine that special education is necessary for a student to be successful, and b) create special education plans for students. A recommendation or a report from an independent or outside agency is good information but it is not a directive to the school to follow their opinion. Schools are obligated to conduct an appropriate evaluation. The team has the responsibility to review the information relative to State and Federal rules, County guidelines, local district procedures, and within the context of the multiple information sources that are integral to the determination of a specific learning disability. The multi- disciplinary team will then offer the appropriate recommendation as to whether or not the student is eligible for special education. Likewise, The IEP team will determine the goals, modifications, supports, services, and programs that are most appropriate to meeting the needs of the student. (Excerpt taken from Wayne RESA with modifications)
Step 4: Determining eligibility
A student may be eligible for certification in the area of Specific Learning Disability given the analysis of the evaluation results as outlined below.
- Exclusionary Factors
First and foremost, the MET is required to consider what are commonly referred to as “exclusionary” factors. The issue is one of “primary cause” for the SLD. With the changes in SLD eligibility criteria, serious consideration of these factors has become even more important. Though a student to whom one of these factors applies might still be appropriately determined as SLD eligible, the MET team must determine that an exclusionary factor is not the primary cause for underachievement.
The IDEIA requires that the determination of SLD eligibility must not be determined based on findings that are primarily the result of:- Limited English proficiency
- Lack of appropriate instruction in reading, including the essential components of reading instruction (as defined in section 1208(3) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act);
- Lack of appropriate instruction in math.
What is “lack of appropriate instruction”?
The team needs to consider:- The instruction that the student has been receiving has been appropriate to the area of concern, including fidelity of instruction and intervention implementation;
- The qualifications and training of the person delivering the instruction; and
- The student’s access to not only the core instruction but also to scientific research-based interventions. The team will need to consider whether a lack of access is impacted by poor attendance, frequent moves between schools, or other factors.
Additional Exclusionary Factors
The determination of SLD eligibility must NOT be based on findings of inadequate achievement and insufficient progress or patterns of strengths and weaknesses that are primarily the result of:- A visual, hearing, or motor disability
- A cognitive impairment
- An emotional impairment
- Cultural factors
- Environmental or economic disadvantage; or
- Limited English proficiency
- Defining a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses
- The student does not achieve adequately for the student’s age or to meet State-approved grade-level standards in one or more of the areas identified at 34 CFR
- The student exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance and/or achievement relative to a) Age, b) State-approved grade-level standards, or c) Cognitive processing skills, if determined by the Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) to be relevant to the identification of a SLD
- Evaluating a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses
- Strengths:
- Demonstration of a minimum of two areas of strength(e.g, basic reading, math calculation, cognitive functioning, adaptive skills, etc.).
- Weaknesses:
- Within each area of academic achievement domain suspected as deficient, demonstration of weaknesses within each given area including likely weaknesses in:
- An area of academic achievement with respect to age-level expectations (norm referenced tests)
- An area of academic achievement with respect to grade-level expectations reflecting a comparison to Michigan (or national) benchmarks or norms when grade-appropriate.
- Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) results that include at least 6 data points (progress monitoring data)
- Academic performance (i.e., classroom observations, grades, etc.)
- Within each area of academic achievement domain suspected as deficient, demonstration of weaknesses within each given area including likely weaknesses in:
- Strengths:
In summary, Berkley School District utilizes a problem-solving approach to identify a pattern of underachievement plus a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses process (PSW) in the determination of a Specific Learning Disability. Efforts are currently underway to move toward a comprehensive Response To Intervention (RTI) process to not only identify students with disabilities, but to also improve outcomes for ALL students. RTI impacts all learners by improving instructional practices for students in general education, providing timely assistance to children experiencing learning difficulties, assuring that lack of appropriate instruction is not the reason for underachievement, and utilizing assessment data to inform and improve instruction (Best Practices in School Psychology V).
Drug & Alcohol Free Resources
Health & Medical Resources
You can help slow the spread of colds, flu and other communicable diseases. Always remember to:
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue and throw it away
- If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve
- Wash hands often
Other Good Health Habits
- Avoid close contact
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too. - Stay home when you are sick
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. - Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. - Take good care of yourself
Make sure to exercise daily, eat healthy food, drink water and get plenty of sleep.
Immunization Information
Use of Medication at School
If your child has a medical condition that requires a prescription medication be kept at school (such as an asthma inhaler, epi-pen, etc.), each school must have a medication authorization form on file. The form must be filled out by both the parent and your child's doctor and be signed by your doctor. Please bring the medication in the original container.
If your child needs over-the-counter medication during the school day, we must also have a medication authorization form on file, but it does not require a doctor's signature. Medication should be brought to the office along with the completed form.
Please do not send your child to school with any medications without the form on file; the medication will not be given to your child.
When a Child would be Excluded from School
Important information from Nurse Rose on when a child may be excluded from school. This guidance has been shared with building administrators and secretaries.
Many illnesses do not require exclusion. However, children may be excluded if the illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in school activities or if there is risk of spread of harmful disease to others.
Criteria include:
- Severely ill: A child that is lethargic or less responsive, has difficulty breathing, or has a rapidly spreading rash.
- Fever: A child with a temperature of 100.4°F or greater AND behavior changes or other signs or symptoms (e.g., sore throat, rash, vomiting, or diarrhea). The child cannot return until 24 hours of no fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications.
- Diarrhea: A child has two loose or watery stools. The child should have no loose stools for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Exception: A healthcare provider has determined it is not infectious. Diarrhea may be caused by antibiotics or new foods a child has eaten. Discuss with a parent/guardian to find out if this is the likely cause.
- Vomiting: A child that has vomited two or more times. The child should have no vomiting episodes for 24 hours prior to returning. Exception: A healthcare provider has determined it is not infectious and the parent/guardian provides a doctor's note.
- Abdominal pain: A child with abdominal pain that continues for more than two hours or intermittent pain associated with fever or other symptoms. Students can return to school after stomach ache has subsided and fever is gone for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.
- Rash: The child with a rash AND has a fever or a change in behavior. Exclude until the rash subsides or until a healthcare provider has determined it is not infectious.
- Skin sores: A child with weeping sores on an exposed area that cannot be covered with waterproof dressing. Exclude until sores subside or until a healthcare provider determines it is safe to return and is not infectious. If antibiotics are prescribed, they need to be on them for 24 hours before returning to school.
- Certain communicable diseases: Students and staff diagnosed with certain communicable diseases (e.g strep, flu, pink eye) may have to be excluded for a certain period of time. If the disease is bacterial (e.g strep), the student can return after being on antibiotics for 24 hours from the start of the antibiotic. If the disease is viral (e.g flu), the student can return when they are feeling "well" and fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications. The definition of "well" seems to be different for everyone and is subjective. Not everyone who is sick presents with a fever.
- COVID-19: We are still no longer contract tracing for covid and do not need to quarantine for 5 days. Everyone is able to return when they are "well," meaning fever free for 24 hours, without fever reducing medications. It is left up to the individual when they feel well. Also, masks are optional and not required per OCHD.
Important Medical Forms and Links
Math Curriculum, Placement & Supports
Berkley Schools has created a document to provide an overview of the Berkley School District’s curriculum, supports, advanced placement process, and high school course sequence.
View the District's Math Curriculum, Placement and Supports document to understand the process for math placement in all levels.
Resources on Vaping
Resources On Vaping
Vaping has recently become a widespread problem at many middle schools and high schools across the region and nation. Below is some information and resources, provided by the Tri-Community Coalition, to help parents to have a better understanding of the problem and tips for prevention .
What is Vaping?
Vaping is inhaling a water vapor that is produced by a battery-powered electronic cigarette, commonly referred to as an e-cigarette. The device has a cartridge of fluid, e-liquid or e-juice, which often contains nicotine and/or flavoring. The liquid is heated and converted into a mist that people inhale or “vape.” Currently, vapes or e-cigarettes are most commonly used by teens and young adults, more common than smoking cigarettes.
The 2015 National Youth Tobacco Survey found that 16 percent of high school kids vape. That means vaping has surpassed cigarette use in teenagers. It’s important to learn the facts about vaping so you can educate your kids about the risks. With names that make them sound like candy—like “Mint Chocolate” and “Frozen Lime Drop”—many young people report that they have used vapes or e-cigarettes because they are curious to test out these new flavors for themselves. They also believe that they are less harmful or are a safer alternative to traditional tobacco products.The American Academy of Pediatrics warns, “e-cigarettes are threatening to addict a new generation to nicotine.” The AAP recommends stricter laws to reduce minors from accessing e-cigarettes. They even recommend that the minimum age to purchase tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, be increased to age 21 nationwide. Nicotine may be more harmful to adolescents than adults. Brain development continues through about age 25 and nicotine may harm the developing brain.Even e-cigarettes that don’t contain nicotine can be harmful. The surgeon general warns that e-cigarettes may contain other potentially harmful ingredients, including Volatile organic compounds;
- Heavy metals such as nickel, lead, and tin;
- Ultrafine particles that could be inhaled deep into the lungs; and
- Flavorants such as diacetyl, a chemical that has been linked to lung disease.
E-cigarettes or vapes should be considered a gateway substance as they can also be used to deliver other drugs. A study published in the medical journal, Pediatrics, found that 1 in 5 high school students used e-cigarettes to vape concentrated THC extracted from marijuana, called hash oil. Vaping hash oil, which is analogous to “freebasing marijuana” causes an intense rapid high and increases the risk of addiction. It also increases the risk of severe side effects such as panic attacks and hallucinations.
Here are Some Important Key Points:
- Long-term implications of vape/e-cigarette use including nicotine addiction are not known fully.
- Many of the flavor water vapes are very high in nicotine.
- The devices are very undetectable and often look like pens, highlighters or USB devices.
- These devices are easy to purchase in local retail stores, online and from other students selling them at school.
- Students are vaping at home, in cars, and at school, unaware of the harm, the addictive nature of the nicotine and in the chemicals that the flavored vape water is treated with.
- Vapes/e-cigarettes are gateway delivery system of substances that can lead students to use traditional cigarettes, marijuana, etc.
- Student perception and wanting to fit-in can mean that many more students are likely to try vaping than the data suggests.
Signs Your Teen is Vaping:
If you suspect your teen might be vaping, chances are your instincts are right. Check for: The scent. You might begin to smell bubble gum, candy, tropical or other flavored scents wafting through the room even if your teenager has nothing in his or her mouth at the time. Don’t worry. You’re not imagining things. This sweet-smelling aroma may be the after-effects of cloud vapor. Vaping e-juices come in nearly any flavor combination imaginable. And teens tend to prefer the sweeter vape products.
- “Pens” that aren’t pens. E-cigarettes or vaporizers can look like many things; thumb drives, or pens, or like a stylus. If you spot something along these lines, take a closer look, and if there are holes on each end, you’ve probably got an e-cig or a vape on your hands.
- Lots of bathroom breaks, closed-door time in their rooms (more than usual), looking for or asking for additional chargers (many vape devices require charging the batteries).
- Copious sipping of liquids. One major ingredient in the vaporized liquid in e-cigs is propylene glycol, which is “hygroscopic” – meaning it attracts and holds water molecules from its environment, like the mouth. This can lead users to have a constant state of dry mouth, which can be alleviated by quaffing more drinks.
- Nosebleeds. The water-holding effect of e-cig vapor can also dry out the nasal passages, leading to bloody noses.
- Bloodshot eyes. There aren’t many physical signs that a teen is vaping, but bloodshot eyes can be a clue.
- Irritability. If your teen is moodier than usual, it could be a sign of nicotine withdrawal.
- Dry skin is another common side effect.
What Can Parents Do?
Talk to your teen about vaping and e-cigarettes.Your teen is likely to think e-cigarettes are much cooler than traditional cigarettes and your teen may insist you don’t know what you’re talking about since e-cigarettes probably weren’t around when you were young. But it’s important to hold conversations about the dangers of vaping. Most teens think e-cigarettes are harmless.Look for opportunities to bring up the subject of vaping naturally. Strike up a conversation when you see someone vaping or when you pass an e-cigarette shop. Get the conversation rolling by asking a question like, “Do kids at your school smoke e-cigarettes?” Here are some key talking points you might want to incorporate into your discussion:
- Your brain is still developing until about age 25. Using nicotine as a teen could be harmful to your brain.
- Using nicotine may make it harder for you to learn or to control your impulses.
- Nicotine may cause you to become more easily addicted to harder drugs.
- E-cigarettes that don’t contain nicotine still contain other harmful chemicals that are bad for your brain and your body.
- Hold specific conversations about how to resist peer pressure so your teen has a plan for what they can say if offered an e-cigarette.
- If your teen ever finds himself or herself in a situation where people are vaping, encourage them to excuse themselves from the situation.
- Talk about the health risks of being a bystander, as well as the temptation s/he may experience to try it for him/herself.
- To gain credibility, acknowledge the reasons your teen may want to vape—all his friends are doing it, vaping seems like the cool thing to do, the flavors are fun, etc. Then, discuss the downsides of doing it as well.
- If your teen doubts that vaping is harmful, do some online research together. Look at credible websites like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and talk about the facts and studies.
- Talk to other parents as well. If you suspect or have found evidence of vaping, chances are it is happening with their friends and you can find out what other parents are thinking and doing as well.
Study Skills & Learning Resources
Kahn Academy
Watch. Practice. Learn almost anything—for free. What started out as Sal making a few algebra videos for his cousins has grown to over 2,100 videos and 100 self-paced exercises and assessments covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history. Learn More about Kahn Academy
Annual Notifications
The expandable menus below include the District's annual notifications for parents and guardians.
Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act Notification
Berkley School District Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
2024 Notification
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires that each year, district workers and building occupants receive notification about asbestos activities such as response actions and inspections. The purpose of this correspondence is to meet those requirements and familiarize you with the asbestos related activities that have been conducted in Berkley School District during the past year.
Management Plans
In 1988, Berkley School District contracted with an environmental firm to conduct inspections for asbestos containing material (ACM) within all district owned buildings. This information was then compiled into Asbestos Management Plans. These Management Plans are located in the administrative office of each building and are available for review. A copy of each building management plan is also located in the Administration Building.
Surveillance Activities
The AHERA regulation requires surveillance of the condition of ACM every six months and Reinspections every three years. The last Reinspection was conducted in March 2023, the next Three-Year Reinspection will be conducted in 2026. Both of these surveillance activities will be included as part of the building’s Management Plans.
Asbestos Abatement
Berkley School District has conducted minor asbestos abatement within its various facilities in the last few years. The removal/repair projects were performed by Michigan Licensed Asbestos Abatement Contractors and managed by Nova Environmental, Inc., the district’s environmental consulting firm.
All documentation regarding these projects is available for your review in each building file and at the Administration Building. Air tests were conducted throughout all phases of the asbestos removal/repair at each building. The air samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with all regulatory agency requirements. The result of the air tests at each of the projects were well within the limits established by the governing agencies.
For more information, contact Chris Smallwood, Director of Facilities and Operations, at 248-837-8049.
FERPA Notification
Rights Under FERPA
The federal law known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents (the word “parents,” when used in these Annual Notifications includes legal guardians and, where required by law, those acting in the place of parents) and students who are 18 years of age or older (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. These rights are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days after the day the School District receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students who wish to inspect their education records should submit to the school principal a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect. The principal or designee will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
- The right to request the amendment of education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the School District to amend their child’s or their education record should submit a written request to the school principal, clearly identifying the part of the record they want changed and specifying why they believe it should be changed. If the School District decides not to amend the record as requested, the school will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student at the time they are notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to provide written consent before the School District discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A designated school official with a legitimate educational interest includes a person employed by the School District as an administrator, teacher, or other person designated by the Board of Education. A school official also includes a liaison officer who, while not employed by the School District, may be granted access to student educational records (including video footage) at the direction and supervision of a school administrator. A school official also may include a contractor or consultant who, while not employed by the School District, performs an institutional service or function (such as design and maintenance of the School District’s security camera system) for which the school would otherwise use its own employees and who is under the direct control of the School District with respect to the use and maintenance of personally identifiable information from student education records. - The right to refuse to allow the disclosure of “directory information.”
“Directory information” regarding a student may be released to any requesting person or party, in addition to the eligible student or his/her parent, without written consent. The Board of Education has defined “directory information” to include a student’s:
- a student's name
- participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- dates of attendance
- date of graduation
- awards received
- honor rolls
- scholarships
In the event inconsistency exists between the Board of Education policy defining “directory information” and this annual notification, the policy prevails.
Each year, the Superintendent, or his/her designee, will provide public notice to students and parents of the School District’s intent to make directory information available to students and parents.
Eligible students and parents may refuse to allow the School District to disclose any or all of such directory information upon written notification to the School District within thirty (30) days after receipt of the School District's public notice. Parents may submit written notification to the building principal of their child’s school and/or make selections in the District’s annual online Back to School packet.
The right to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue SW
Washington DC 20202-5280
United States Armed Forces
The School District is required to provide United States Armed Forces recruiters with at least the same access to student directory information as is provided to other entities offering educational or employment opportunities to those students as is permitted and/or required by law. "Armed forces of the United States" means the armed forces of the United States and their reserve components and the United States Coast Guard. An eligible student or the parent may submit a signed, written direction to the School District that the student’s directory information not be accessible to United States Armed Forces recruiters. In such case, the information will not be disclosed.
Other Agencies or Institutions
As permitted by FERPA, the School District may forward education records, including disciplinary records, without student or parental consent, to other agencies or institutions in which the student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer and upon receipt of a request for a student’s school or education records.
The School District will comply with a legitimate request for access to education records within a reasonable period of time, but not more than forty-five (45) days after receiving the request or within a shorter period as may be applicable by law to students with disabilities. The requesting party may be charged a processing fee for the information.
Student Accident Insurance
The Berkley School District provides student accident insurance for all students in pre-school through grade twelve. This insurance is purchased from Student Assurance Services, In. and provides the following coverage to students (please refer to the attached Policy Schedule for exact coverage):
- attending regular school sessions
- participating in or attending school-sponsored and supervised extracurricular activities
- participating in school-sponsored and supervised interscholastic sports
- traveling directly to and from school for regular school session; and while traveling to and from school sponsored and supervised extracurricular activities in school-provided transportation.
PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE COVERAGE THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS PURCHASING IS A SUPPLEMENT TO YOUR FAMILY HEALTH INSURANCE. It pays only after your family health or auto policy and then within the limits of the policy's benefits (explanation of benefits attached). This plan does not cover penalties imposed for failure to use providers preferred or designated by your primary coverage.
Claim Procedure
Filing of the claim is the parent's responsibility.
- Parents notify the school and obtain a claim form immediately. The school will fill out Part A if it's a school injury.
- Parents complete Part B. Answer all questions.
- Parents submit copies of your itemized bills to your own family insurance first, even if you have a large deductible. You will be sent a report called an Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
- Parents send the claim form, copies of itemized bills and the EOB to:
P.O. BOX 196
STILLWATER, MN 55082 - The claim will be completed when all of the above documents have been provided. Should you have a question as to the status of a claim, you can contact Student Assurance Services, Inc., at 1-800-328-2739.
NOTE: Students must have been treated by a licensed physician within 60 days of the date of the injury. Proof of the claim should be submitted within 90 days from the date of accident, or a reasonable time thereafter not to exceed one year. The company is responsible only for expenses incurred within one year.
Claim forms and additional information about the insurance program will be available at beginning in September.
Technology Acceptable Use Policy
The Berkley School District Technology Plan supports the District’s mission to guide, encourage and support each and every learner by placing a strong emphasis on building technology infrastructure that will support the work of all students and staff, and by making a variety of technologies readily available to all. Many schools have also pursued initiatives to increase student and staff access to technology.
Berkley School District (the “District”) believes that the Internet offers unique resources for students, administrators and teachers. The District’s goal in providing Internet access as well as other technology resources to students and staff is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication. All District technology resource users are required to sign this Technology Use Agreement (“Agreement”) and to abide by the terms and conditions of the District’s Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy. The District does not authorize any use of technology resources which are not conducted strictly in compliance with this Agreement and the District’s Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy. Your acknowledgment below indicates that you have read the terms and conditions of this Agreement carefully and understand their significance.
Student Access to Inappropriate Online Material; Assumption of Risk by Parent/Guardian
While access to the Internet by way of the District’s computer system shall be administered by a teacher or by other school personnel, the District may not be able to technologically limit access to those online services that have been authorized for study and research. Thus, students may be able to access information and communicate with people on the Internet that the District has not authorized for educational purposes. Also, by participating in the use of the Internet, students may intentionally or unintentionally gain access to information and communications that they or their parents or guardians find inappropriate, offensive, controversial, or otherwise objectionable. By consenting, with your signature below, to allow your child to use the Internet, you assume the risks spelled out in this paragraph.
Students who violate the District’s Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy and/or this Agreement may have their use privileges suspended or revoked, or may be subject to other disciplinary measures or legal action.
Student Acknowledgment and Release
I have read this Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy and this Technology Use Agreement and I understand my responsibilities. I also consent to and understand that school staff may monitor my electronic communications, including logs showing my Internet access, e-mail, and downloaded files. I understand that I am being provided with a District connected device which allows me to engage in accessing District programs/applications, conducting and/or completing school assignments remotely which I would otherwise not have access to. If I commit any violation, my privileges to use the District computers for Internet use may be terminated, and other disciplinary action may be taken. Finally, I agree to report any misuse of school resources, including the Internet, by other students to my teacher or administrator.
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgment and Release
As the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student named above, I/we have read this Technology Use Agreement and discussed it with my/our child. I/We understand that access to the District’s technology resources is a privilege designated for educational purposes. I/We hereby give permission to the District to open an Internet account for my/our child and certify that information contained in this Agreement is correct. I/We consent to and understand that school staff may monitor my/our child’s electronic communications, including e-mail and files that they download. I/We understand that we may be charged a fee if District provided devices are repaired multiple times due to student misuse, damaged beyond repair, or not returned when leaving the District; fee to be determined by administration based upon condition and age of device. I/We hereby release, in both my/our personal capacity, and as guardian of my/our child, the school system and school as well as all school teachers, administrators, and adult volunteers, from any claims arising from my/our child’s violation of, or conduct inconsistent with, the Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy, including, but not limited to, claims arising from materials my/our child may download or relationships they may establish with people online, whether such claims arise from Internet use performed on school computers through school accounts or personal computers through personal accounts. I/We also hereby agree to indemnify the District as well as all school teachers, administrators, and adult volunteers from any claims arising from my/our child’s violation of, or conduct inconsistent with, the Internet Safety and Acceptable Use Policy, made by third parties and whether such claims arise from Internet use performed on school computers through school accounts or personal computers through personal accounts.
Video Surveillance
The Board of Education has adopted policy 7440.01, and the detail below is an annual notification to the school community regarding video surveillance and electronic monitoring.
Details of the Policy
In order to protect District property, promote security and protect the health, welfare and safety of students, staff and visitors, the Board of Education authorizes the use of video surveillance and electronic monitoring equipment on school property, and in school buildings and school buses. Information obtained through video surveillance/electronic monitoring may be used to identify intruders and persons breaking the law, Board policy, or the Student Code of Conduct (i.e., it may be used as evidence in disciplinary actions and criminal proceedings).
The Board of Education authorizes the use of video surveillance and electronic monitoring equipment at various school sites throughout the District and on school buses. The video surveillance/electronic monitoring equipment shall be used to protect Board property and assets from theft and vandalism, through deterrence and video documentation. The system is not designed nor intended to protect individuals from being victims of violent or property crimes, nor to detect other potentially illegal and undesirable activities that may occur, although information may be used as evidence in such cases.
The monitoring of actions and behavior of individuals who come onto school property is a significant factor in maintaining order and discipline and protecting students, staff, visitors, and school and student property. Video surveillance/electronic monitoring systems serve to complement other means being employed in the District to promote and foster a safe and secure teaching and learning environment for students and staff. The Board recognizes that the use of a video surveillance/electronic monitoring system does not replace the need for the ongoing vigilance of the school staff assigned by the building principal to monitor and supervise the school building. Rather, the video surveillance/electronic monitoring system serves as an appropriate and useful tool with which to augment or support the in-person supervision provided by staff. The building principal is responsible for verifying that due diligence is observed in maintaining general campus security.
To read the complete policy language, please visit the Berkley Schools Board Docs page for policy 7440.01.
Pesticide Advisory
Berkley School District has adopted an Integrated Pest Management program. Inherent with this are the District’s efforts to reduce pesticide use as much as possible. While it may occasionally be necessary to apply a pesticide, this program does not rely on routine pesticide applications to resolve problems. We use various techniques such as habitat alteration, sanitation, mechanical means, exclusion, etc. to prevent pest from becoming a problem.
As required by Michigan law, you will receive advanced notice of non-emergency application of a pesticide (insecticide, fungicide, or herbicide), other than bait or gel formulation, which is made to the school, school grounds, or buildings.This advance notice of a pesticide application will be given 48 hours before the application by the following two methods:
- Posting at the primary entrances to your child’s school. The entrances that will be posted are the main entrance and those that have a sidewalk that leads directly to a parking lot.
- Posting in the common area located by the main office of the school.
Please note that notification is not given for use of sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants or anti-microbial cleaners. In certain emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without prior notice to prevent injury to students, but you will be promptly notified following any such application, via the two posting methods identified (above).
You may review our Integrated Pest Management Program and records of any pesticide application upon request by contacting Chris Smallwood, Director of Facilities and Operations, at 248-837-8049 or email Chris.
Parents or guardians of children attending the school are also entitled to receive the advance notice of a pesticide application, other than a bait or gel formulation, by either first class United States mail postmarked at least 3 days before the application or via email, if they so request. If you would like to be notified, please fill out the following form.