Welcome to the Berkley Schools Special Education & Student Services Department!
14501 Talbot
Oak Park, MI 48237
248-837-8064 (fax)
District Criteria for Determining a Specific Learning Disability
Forms and Information for Parents
Information During Covid-19
Procedural Safeguards
Procedural Safeguards
Arabic Procedural Safeguards
English Procedural Safeguards
Spanish Procedural Safeguards
Learning Ally
Learning Ally
Learning Ally is dedicated to empowering blind, visually impaired, or dyslexic students achieve their goals. (Formerly known as Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic).
Visit Learning Ally
Audiobooks are Now Accessible on Apple iphone, ipad, and iPod touch.
To be eligible for a membership, a person must have documented print disability, such as a learning disability, visual impairment or other physical disability. If you think you or your child might have a print disability and may benefit from the services of Learning Ally, you need to have certification of the disability. Click here to find information regarding certification.
Children with Special Needs Fund
Children with Special Needs Fund
CSN Application
CSN Brochure
Sample Letter
Judson Center Programs
Down Syndrome Guild of Southeast Michigan
Student Services & Special Education Staff
Student Services / Special Education
Director of Student Services

Special Education Supervisor