Individual School Information
Expand the tabs below to read the full scope of work for each building and each District space.
Angell Elementary School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- New Media Center furniture
Multi-Purpose Addition
- Cafeteria
- Kitchen & servery
- Two additional restrooms
- Green roof
- New furniture, fixtures and equipment
- Current kitchen/servery
- Gym: Flooring, lighting, paint, equipment
- Landscaping, site and drainage work
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $7,529,292
Burton Elementary School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- Media Center furniture
- Playground fencing & equipment replacement/upgrade, for equipment impacted by location of new multi-purpose addition
Multi-purpose addition
- Cafeteria
- Kitchen & servery
- Two additional restrooms
- Green roof
- New furniture, fixtures and equipment
- Current kitchen/servery becomes storage
- Gym: Flooring, lighting, paint, equipment
- Remodel staff lounge to allow for access to the new multi-purpose addition
- Landscaping, site and drainage work
- Parking lot on Nadine will have some parking spaces removed for multi-purpose addition
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $7,761,361
Pattengill Elementary School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- Media Center furniture
- Paved play area for playground to replace area multi-purpose room would occupy
Multi-purpose Addition
- Cafeteria
- Kitchen & servery
- Two additional restrooms
- Green roof
- New furniture, fixtures and equipment
- Current kitchen/servery
- Gym: Flooring, lighting, paint, equipment
- One classroom will be remodeled into storage for the multi-purpose addition
- Landscaping, site and drainage work
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $6,941,272
Rogers Elementary School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- Media Center furniture
- Office furniture
Multi-purpose Addition
- Cafeteria
- Kitchen & servery
- Two additional restrooms
- Green roof
- New furniture, fixtures and equipment
- Current kitchen/servery becomes storage for Gym
- Gym: Flooring, lighting, paint, equipment
- Remodel one classroom to allow for access to the multi-purpose addition
- Landscaping, site and drainage work
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $7,780,448
Norup International School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- Media Center furniture
- Office furniture
Gym: Flooring, lighting, paint, equipment
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $2,814,499
Anderson Middle School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- Office furniture
- Expanded parking lot, paving over grass parking/track and field area
Gym: Flooring, lighting, paint, equipment
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $6,592,290
(including Hurley Field projects, details in the District Spaces section)
Berkley High School
New Learning Environment Upgrades
- Classroom furniture for all
- New Block Box Theatre addition
- Classroom for choir & multi-purpose performing space for after school activities
- Instrument storage commons, separate from band/orchestra classrooms
- New entrances from parking lots
- Natatorium (Pool) remodel including: drainage, dive stand, chemical systems, tile replacement, starting blocks, ADA upgrades, office & restroom renovation, sound system, HVAC system, acoustical padding
- Science Wing: Remodel all science labs including casework, gas, plumbing and fixtures
- Band/Orchestra rooms: Remove concrete risers from Orchestra room, remove instrument lockers from both classrooms, classroom finishes, new furniture
- Landscaping, site and drainage work
- Parking spaces across from BHS at the BSD field house
- New staff computers
- New flat panel interactive monitors in each classroom
- Upgrade wireless microphones
- New phone system
- Upgrade network technology
Total Project Investment: $49,561,418
(including new field house and performing arts additions - details in the District Spaces section)
District Spaces
Hurley Field - Anderson
- Remodel existing team rooms in Hurley Field plaza to combine into new team room
- Remodel existing locker room inside of Anderson and create an additional team room. Also includes a remodel of the locker room for Anderson student access.
- Replace and upgrade lighting to LED, including for the parking lot
- Relocate track and field performance spaces: long jump and shot put
- **Turf, Track, restrooms, concession area and press box will be replaced by District Sinking Fund dollars**
BSD Field House Across from Berkley High School & Field Improvements
- New 75-yard indoor field house
- Turf field
- Robotics: classroom, practice space, furniture, fixtures and equipment
- Multi-purpose room
- Restrooms
- A divider system to create separation between groups using the field house simultaneously
- Available to athletics teams, physical education classes, the BHS marching band, District robotics teams, the BHS community and community groups
- 120-Yard turf field outside and north of the Field house, including lighting
- Natural grass field north of the 100-Yard turf field
- Additional parking spaces
Performing Arts Wing at Berkley High School
- New Performing Arts Center lobby addition
- Doubling in space to include a multi-purpose space, restrooms and ticket booth
- Increase the space to allow for better flow before and after events
- Performing Arts Center
- Complete overhaul of auditorium
- New seats
- New control booth on the seating level
- New lighting & sound system
- New orchestra shell & risers
- New finishes (paint, trim, etc.)
- Remodel scene shop to include a storage mezzanine
- Remodel dressing rooms/restrooms backstage
- Band/Orchestra rooms - see detail in BHS scope
- Black Box Theatre addition - see detail in BHS scope